Our Felonious Ex-President

He sounds like he was a little TOO interested. I think I’ll pass on reading the rest of the memo.


1His sniveling and driveling are altogether risable
He’s absolutely miserable2
The rich3 tycoon.

1With apologies to Anna Russell.
2As in “miserable S.O.B.”
3Doubtful; in hock to Putin & Associates.


well fuck…

looks like I called the suicide hotline too soon.

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Interesting thread. Trump really isn’t Nixonish at all.

Kevin Kruse is the guy who keeps demolishing Dinesh D’Souza. One thing these last couple years have shown: you don’t want to be made to look a fool? Don’t fuck with historians. There’s a reason we respect you @mindysan33. Perhaps even fear, a little. :grinning:


Okay, those questions were a little much. However, I’m sick of Bill Clinton getting a pass on what he did. Not that I think the whole Ken Starr thing was all about protecting women, but I think if we are going to get serious about stopping abuse, we need to stop ignoring Clinton’s misdeeds. It’s pretty well documented that he raped several women. I thought he was an amazing president and wish we had the good times back that we had when he was running the show.


A ways down in the thread someone linked to their piece on Medium back in May that’s worth a read:


Everybody uses that phrase “Manchurian Candidate” but nobody seems to understand what it means. When it was first written, it was a very dark book, in context. Almost offensively dark. Definitely something that would make the average reader in 1960 go “why the fuck would anyone write this?”

Now’s as good a time as any to re-read The Manchurian Candidate. There’s a lot of symbolism there that I think is really valid. Like the soldiers being hypnotized to think they’re playing cards in some fancy hotel when they’re actually being exhibited on stage in front of a bunch of communist bigwigs, for example. Or the part about the same soldiers being subliminally convinced to kill each other, even though it goes against their best interests, their own inclinations, and their sense of decency. Sound familiar, anyone?


Ever had a poke at the connection between the history of brainwashing stories and the alleged US use of bioweapons during the Korean war?


My standards for presidenting have tightened up but I don’t think I ever particularly liked anything his administration did apart from not being a Bush/Dole.


We’ve been manoeuvred to between a rock and a hard place on that one. If you say he should have been investigated and possibly tried for the rapes, then you “agree” with Starr… even when you don’t. If you say “nevertheless I think he did well on the being president part” you’re a rape apologist.

Both conflations are ridiculous, of course, but that’s where the syllogistic logic used far too much in politics gets us.


Clinton was way better than any republican, but I also don’t like the whole “move to the center” strategy of the DCCC. The blunders of the Democrats over the last 40+ years has been painful to watch.

I too wish he’d kept his pants on. But the continuing massive hypocrisy of the republicans pisses me off more. What Bill did to several individual women, awful if true (and I mistrust any negative data about the Clintons due to the barrage of disinformation we’ve been showered with for decades), the republicans have done to the entire population.

I’ve always assumed the rapes were more conservative lying, so haven’t paid attention to it, but I trust you’re correct.


I have a generally negative view of Bill’s presidency. His biggest achievement was not being a Republican, but then there was:

Cutting welfare
The Defense of Marriage Act
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Deregulating banks
Deregulating telecom
Mass incarceration
Working with Newt Gingrich to privatize Social Security (thankfully interrupted by the scandal)

He sowed many of the seeds (or permitted/encouraged) for the things that are currently wrong with the nation and the economy, aside from the literal Nazis.


Getting back to the current hot mess that’s in office, looks like his boy is going full ‘pancake:’


Maniford has been found guilty now too.


The bad thing is that it was 8 of 18 counts. The good thing is that the 10 counts for which Manafort was not found guilty were due to a hung jury, not a verdict, so, if the Government retries, the count may go up. The really good thing is that Manafort can no longer avoid Mueller.


I thought I would look forward to the upcoming twitter blowout from the toddler in chief. But it turns out I’m just sort of sad and numb.


Big day. Unindicted co-conspirator day.


So the Cohen plea only refers to “the candidate.” Still, no doubt which candidate.


And Duncan Hunter, R-CA, indicted.