Our Felonious Ex-President

My PC told me it didn’t have enough memory to open up that page…

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It’s mostly text on my browser…?

It amounts to “what if Obama had done this to Romney?”


paging @ Lucy_Gothro1
The hypothetical

It’s 2012 and President Obama is running against Mitt Romney. Obama has just “lost” the first presidential debate, and his re-election campaign looks to be in trouble. Obama has noticed his attacks on Mitt Romney having off-shore bank accounts in the Cayman Islands seems to be having an effect, however, and a plan is hatched.
The Cayman Islands have just been hit by a hurricane and are desperate for aid and relief. President Obama unilaterally directs his Chief of Staff to freeze $400 million in aid to the Cayman Islands. President Obama calls the Prime Minister of the Cayman Islands, who immediately requests the aid they desperately need and have historically received. Obama tells him the U.S. has been very good to the Cayman Islands in the past, better than any other country. The relationship hasn’t been, reciprocal, however, and the President needs a “favor.” He says the Prime Minister should look into the Romneys’ holdings in the Cayman Islands, especially his son Tagg, who appears to be cashing in on his father’s name. This is because President Obama is concerned about “corruption.” Nothing to do with re-election.
Obama tells the Cayman Islands PM to coordinate with his Attorney General Eric Holder and his non-government employee private attorney, Michael Avenatti, who has been the main point of contact this far. He says they will be in touch. The Cayman Islands PM realizes he will have little choice but to bend to these demands.
Obama administration staff, realizing the transcript of this call is likely criminal and at a minimum extremely problematic, violates protocol to store the conversation in safes meant for critical national security interests. A whistleblower comes forward to expose these actions, and the administration releases a transcript of the call that confirms the allegations.
A day later President Obama implies the whistleblower is a “spy” who should be treated the way we did in the “old days.” I.E. He appears to be obviously implying the death penalty.
How do you think the Republican House of Representatives will respond?


Thank you! It kept giving me the Chrome “Oh snap!” page, too. And I’d see the page…then be told my PC doesn’t have enough memory.





The transcript of the call between Mr Morrison and Mr Trump was restricted within the White House to a small number of the president’s aides, reports said - contrary to normal protocol.

The same restrictions were reportedly placed on the Ukraine call, raising concerns that White House staff were attempting to conceal records of the president’s conversations with certain foreign leaders.


And from what I hear from my friends Down Under, Morrison’s cut from the same dreadful, cheaply-made, easily-soiled-but-hard-to-clean cloth as the current POTUS.


Is it just me, or is the far right always threatening civil war, pushing power grabs, killing people, and then blaming everyone else for making them threaten civil war:



It’s standard abuser language: “Look what you made me do.”


Without alleging a crime?!?!?!

There are so. many. crimes.

Just because there is a recording of Nixon saying “If the president does it, it’s not a crime illegal” doesn’t make that statement fucking true!

Edit for poor memory on the quote.


The Oval Office meeting this past March began, as so many had, with President Trump fuming about migrants. But this time he had a solution. As White House advisers listened astonished, he ordered them to shut down the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico — by noon the next day.

Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. He wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh. After publicly suggesting that soldiers shoot migrants if they threw rocks, the president backed off when his staff told him that was illegal. But later in a meeting, aides recalled, he suggested that they shoot migrants in the legs to slow them down. That’s not allowed either, they told him.


He clearly still thinks he’s in Home Alone 2.


We knew he is a psychopath, but hearing the details like that is really disturbing.


As for Irin Carmon, she’s a dope. I don’t like the current POTUS for any fucking reason at all. And thinking that all folks are that base…IMNSHO, his appeal is based on representing the ignorant and making them feel as intelligent as, or even more so, than the POTUS, giving them a false sense of superiority.


I think you’re misreading the tweet.

I’m reading it as, “People who like Trump despite the fact that he bullies them, like him because he also bullies people they don’t like.”

I don’t think there’s any intended implication of “This is why I like Trump” or even “This is a good reason to like Trump.”


Um, yeah, so did I. It’s a dopey reason. See my edit.