Our Felonious Ex-President

Truly the antithesis of honorable, and that’s been clear since the first time he was AG. Anyone who thought he would behave ethically was willfully deluding themselves, or a wholly owned subsidiary of the fascist junta in control of the country.

It’s like the theme of the world is Bad Faith, even though few people know or care what that means. I’m getting to the point that I think I need to take a hiatus from the outside world because I’m regularly working myself into a lather about situations I can in no way affect, and it’s interfering with my basic mental health. But, ignoring the fucked up state of the world only empowers the shitstains that are ruining what is not yet destroyed, and FUCK! I guess I just need to go put my own oxygen mask on, whether or not the plane is actually crashing.



I hear you! Sometimes the steady stream of scandals, bull :poop: and fuckery is just too much. If you need to take a news break, feel free. Recharging our batteries is important too.

lilo stitch hugs


There has been discussion online about doomers, how this is when we need to come together and push the hardest, hopelessness is only cementing the problems and you would be better off saying nothing if that’s really all you can find to offer. Intellectually, I think this is very sensible. Emotionally, I find I have ended up keeping quietly to myself an awful lot of late.


It has the fancy name of Unitary Executive Theory.

  • Bad Legal Theory
  • Bad Porn Name
  • Bad Wrestling Name
  • All Of The Above

0 voters

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I highly recommend that everybody reads that speech Barr gave to the Federalist Society. Even skimming it will be enlightening. You will have no question about where he stands.

The Unitary Executive Theory basically boils down to two ideas:
1 Despite all observable evidence, he believes the Presidents’ powers have been eroding over the past 50 years.
2 Legislature is an oppressive political force, and it is better to have a powerful king.


He can eat a dick. His own for preference.

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The Trump delusion runs deep.

If I might suggest the analogy that animates the “deep state” rhetoric:

Suppose, that many years ago, your town decided to place police in the hands of expert criminologists, and away from the mayor and city council (maybe there was a scandal, decades ago, which involved the police being used as the mayor’s bagmen.) And now these expert criminologists are channeling the worst of Police One, and stressing how it’s important for public safety for the cops to shoot first, etc.

Most of the power of federal government is exercised through the administrative state, and this can mean that if the bureaucrats make a unpalatable decision, they are insulated from public ire, and electoral consequences. The Unitary executive approach simply takes the powers that has been ceded to the administrative state and the civil service, and puts it in the hands of the president-- who might as well be called king. The deep staters who the Trumpists so often rail about are the civil servantswho have been ceded this power, by Congress, because of their expertise-- which the President, almost by definition, does not have.


up to over 2000 signatories now.

i can’t remember anything quite like it.




What a guy. He is noble and self-sacrificing like Pooh-bah: “It revolts me, but I do it.”


The minions of bazillionaters always have to reckon with the taste of the shit they have to swallow.

It’s a trap!


“So Mr. Barr, what does Donald Trump’s ass taste like?”.

“Real good Bob. I haven’t been this sub since that ritual at <insert horseshit frat here>”.

“Getting really uncomfortable for rest of us. Jan, you have some weather for us out of San Diego?”

“I do, Bob. Here to take the edge off the yuck is some tropical rain!”


The comments came in a closed-door briefing to the House Intelligence Committee on 13 February, officials told US outlets.

President Trump was reportedly enraged, complaining that Democrats would use the information against him.

He replaced his acting intelligence chief, Joseph Maguire, on Thursday.

The move was a surprise to many given his lack of relevant experience and controversial record of pushing conservative policies as a diplomat.

But Mr Grenell is a staunch Trump loyalist and has been outspoken in his defence of the president.

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