Our Felonious Ex-President

I remember when they did a salute to Richard Pryor at the Ford Theater; when Richard Belzer came on, he looked up and said, “I see they put you in the Abraham Lincoln seat.” Even with his MS, RP cracked up.


Attorney General Barr appointed US Attorney Jeffrey Jensen to review the handling of Flynn’s case earlier this year.

Mr Jensen said in a statement that he “concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case”.

Just ahead of the announcement, US media reported that prosecutor Brandon Van Grack, who was a member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, had stepped back from handling the case.


Admit the possibility that the President may have done something illegal? I’m sure Trump’s gonna find someone to fire over this…


The distinction is significant. The property is taxed as a private club — not as a residence, according to Palm Beach County property appraiser records. Trump’s own attorney assured local officials in Palm Beach before they voted to approve the club in 1993 that he would not live there. Mar-a-Lago’s website says only that Trump maintains “private quarters” at the club.

“It’s one or the other — it’s a club or it’s your home,” Reginald Stambaugh, an attorney who represents a neighbor opposed to Trump’s dock plan, said in a recent interview. “You can’t have it both ways.”


Pfft — the lawyers will tie it up for decades.


Spoiler — Trump is going to have it both ways.


Mr Trump said he required the policy.

Appearing without a mask in the Rose Garden for a press briefing on Monday, however, the president claimed he did not need to follow the directive because he kept “far away from everyone”, and played down the White House infections.

“We have hundreds of people a day pouring into the White House” each day, he said. “I think we’re doing a good job containing it.”


Well, he is up against the unlikely combination of a neighborhood of similarly rich people, the city government, and historical preservationists. With that many different interests aligned against him, he’s probably not going to get everything he wants.

Like every good leader, leading by example. But apparently no one ever told him that you’re not supposed to be an example of what not to do.


Well, he can’t give a clear consistent signal if he occasionally shows what to do.


He’s had an ongoing war with the neighborhood for many years. They can’t curtail him any more than Nancy Pelosi could.

A small sample from the article:

“The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself,” Trump responded. “They’re fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history.” He went on Nancy Grace’s national TV show to complain that the Town of Palm Beach was unpatriotic. Then, ignoring the town’s violations, which grew to be a $120,000 fine and counting, he filed a lawsuit against Palm Beach, asking for $25 million in damages to what he called an abridgment to his constitutional right to free speech.


When given the choices of “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” this man chooses none of the above every time.



Could the plan be “let as many peasants die as possible?”


“Because this is a disease that attacks age, and it attacks health,” the president said.

“But with the young children, I mean, and students, it’s really - just take a look at the statistics. It’s pretty amazing,” Mr Trump added.


Obamagate began long ago, long before Trump even got elected, before he even knew he was running. It began before America, before time, in those early days when President Barack Obama lit the furnace of the sun, just before he fixed the paths of the planets in such a way that millennia in the future, Donald Trump would stare directly into a solar eclipse.


What is this? The Adam Warlock story?

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Really surprised that the usaf was created as late as 1947.

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It was called the US Army Air Corps before that.

“Super-duper?” I guess that makes trump