Our Felonious Ex-President

Does it really take a scholar to point this out?


She’s no John Frobisher, tho…



Also, there is no torchwood… there is only us.


FWIW the phrase “national interest” is not in the Constitution, and the word “nation” only appears in reference to foreign countries


John Adams didn’t anticipate RMN and DJT; this was chiseled over the fireplace in the State Room: “I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this House, and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.”


A lot of latinos are Republican because Catholicism.



A little digging suggests that after 2013, the company’s efforts to expand its customer base into “white” communities were enormously profitable, and maybe the company had made bank off of preppers, would be quarantinees, and the like. And perhaps it stood to lose all that if the wrong sort of tariffs were set.

The right winger Jeane Kirkpatrick once described american sponsored dictatorships as authoritarians, and soviet sponsored dictatorships as totalitarian. So much of american political philosophy is based on the opportunity to disagree. If Trump cowed Goya into submission, because, in the words of Mussolini, the “conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value,” the madisonian formulation of a divided state protecting the rights of those not in power is laughable.


To be fair, he doesn’t want to cover that sweet beard.

(Edited to correct “sweat.” Although that might have been appropriate too.)

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Really? I thought since JFK made it in, Catholics were mostly Dems, of all ethnicities.

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The abortion issue really switched things around, once the republicans realized it was a great wedge issue (not that they cared one iota).


I believe many Catholics still are dems, there is just a conservative segment within American Catholicism that has aligned with protestant right (over, in part, as @kxkvi the abortion issue). Not all catholics are single issue voters or even in agreement with the church on the issue of birth control and abortion.


Right, in Louisiana, we have two pro-life parties (Repubs and Democrats) because Catholicism is so prevalent.


I know a woman who is a devout RC who told me once that, “No old man in Rome is going to tell me what to do with my body!” She also got married wearing white when she was six months pregnant - in the RC church!


Whenever I think about Catholicism, I remember Princess Leia telling Darth Vader that the more he tightens his grip, the more star systems will slip through his fingers.




My point is just that not all catholics vote republican or anti-choice. I’m not sure why that’s apparently wrong, when it’s obviously a fact?

We should also attend to this history. The people who have put this on the map HAVE primarily been protestants who have pulled in Catholics who support a pro-life world view - people who had historically been democratic. Roe (or rather anti-Roe activists) made this a major issue that protestant groups could employ as a wedge issue to pull away some conservative Catholics especially in the more heavily catholic north… But there has always been a split in the catholic world view, politically in this country. There are the more pro-labor leaning, social justice activists types and the more conservative types.

It seems strange that it’s okay to paint nearly a billion people with the same broad brush. Despite the supposedly top down nature of the faith, not all catholics vote in lock-step with the Pope or the Catholic league. Many of them actively work for a better world that includes reproductive rights. By all means, call out the people who are actively seeking to undermine our rights. But I don’t think it’s remotely fair to assume that “the catholics” are all doing so, because it’s just not the case.

Nor should we ignore that we still live in a predominantly protestant country, which DOES have a history of painting catholics as a danger to the body politic. Irish and Italian immigrants, along with Jews from across Europe, in the 19th century were painted as foreign invaders seeking to take the land for the anti-christ pope. So when people start assuming all catholics vote the way the pope tells them to, it just doesn’t sound too good through that historical prism.


I mean, I don’t disagree with this. But I also live in a state where pro-life Catholic Democrats have put in major challenges to Roe in the last two years. I’m sure many Catholics are personally pro-choice. I grew up Catholic, and I don’t know any pro-choice Catholics (they all left for better churches), but surely some stayed to fight. I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that the political face of Catholicism here is aggressively anti-choice, to the point where they are trying to use the courts to force that on everyone.


Some possibly good news: