Our Felonious Ex-President

South Dakota Public Safety Secretary Craig Price — who was appointed to President Trump’s commission on law enforcement this year — signed an agreement in April to share information from driver’s licenses and state ID cards with the U.S. Census Bureau, according to a copy of the memorandum of understanding the state’s Department of Public Safety provided to NPR.


I think Dr. Fauci has reached his limit.

US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci has described recent efforts by the Trump administration to discredit him as “bizarre” and “nonsense”.

“Ultimately, it hurts the president to do that,” Dr Fauci said in an interview with The Atlantic. “It doesn’t do anything but reflect poorly on them.”


Mr Parscale - who was reportedly blamed by Mr Trump’s inner circle for a poorly attended rally in Oklahoma last month - will stay on as senior adviser.


Stay classy, Prez


So Goya foods are this week’s Confederate monuments.
I hope the Goya CEO is now realizing the negative aspect of kissing Trump’s ass.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Love in the Time of COVID-19

As Doctor Scott Atlas said, I think this was a good quote, “Of course we can do it, everyone else in the western world, our peer nations are doing it”

Yeah, everyone else in the western world is bringing Covid-19 under control and not letting it run rampant through their entire country. Oh, wait, that’s not what he was talking about? He was saying because other countries have sent kids back to school, we should too, regardless of the very real difference in the state of the disease here? Man, what an absolute idiot!


I learned the scientific method before I learned how to write in cursive. To say that “we shouldn’t let the science stand in the way” simultaneously depresses and enrages me.


Me too. But, it’s actually worse than that, if you listen to the clip - she’s actually claiming that the science supports their position.


Violent anarchists graffitied the BPA Building.
Violent anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Courthouse.
Violent anarchists graffitied the Edith Green-Wenell Wyatt Building.
Violent anarchists graffitied the Terry Schrunk Plaza.
Violent anarchists graffitied the 911 Federal Building.
Violent anarchists graffitied the Pioneer Courthouse.
Violent anarchists graffitied the Gus J. Solomon Courthouse.

Violent anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Courthouse.
Violent anarchists graffitied Terry Schrunk Plaza.
Violent anarchists graffitied The Pioneer Courthouse.
Violent anarchists graffitied The Gus J Solomon Courthouse.

Someone really needs to remind these guys that just copy/pasting the words “violent anarchists” at the beginning of every event doesn’t make the event violent.

(There are some possibly violent events in the list, but it’s still very clear that they’re padding the numbers)


Also, how does one graffiti with violence?
Hold down the valve really-really hard? :thinking:


It’s stochastic terrorism. Convince people that violent anarchists are lurking everywhere.

External threats are no longer enough. They need to stoke the paranoia.

Cults are at their most dangerous when coming apart. This one is no different.


I think this is the sort of context that makes graffiti into violence:

Human rights are (in their addled fucking brains) subservient to property rights. If you cost them money, like if they have to repaint a wall, that’s basically violence under late stage capitalism.

Plus, it gives them cover to trot out the secret police, just like the way cops can get away with murder if they say the magic words about fearing for one’s life. The magic words for naked fascism are “violent anarchists”.


When you consider that the CSA declared war on the USA because they wanted to live in a country where their version of the Christian religion was the defined source for their laws, most particularly because their interpretation celebrated their property rights (to enslave human beings as property), it makes perfect sense that every push now is to enshrine Confederate laws and beliefs into our nation before they lose the chance.

They lost over 150 years ago, but they’re still at war with our country.


Anticipate all you will, but I have serious doubts this country would survive another four.


No, he’s definitely got some halfway-fast-talking booger-loo asshole named Miller on his shoulder 14/6 who is trying to get his flailing boss to burn it all down. I knew Rump was Hindenburg. He thinks he’s Franco, tho. Hence the flights of his fancy.


Oh geez, I’m reading “The Good War” by Studs Terkel, and a few men he interviewed were in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (the hero of “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, Robert Jordan, was based on one of 'em). They worked for the OSS under Wild Bill Donovan, and got labelled as “premature anti-fascists”.

More things change, the more they stay the same.