Our Felonious Ex-President

I also forgot to add that the new sign is right on the curb lawn, on E. 10 Mile Rd, which is kind of a main drag, giving it MUCH more visibility than if it were still on the house (it’s a nice old farmhouse, too).


Yeah, because saying “we’re definitely going to enforce the rules” is totally “changing the rules”. :roll_eyes:


From what I saw, they’re just gonna mute his mike…oops, I mean WHOever won’t shut up.


They need to put trump in a chamber like the $64000 Question quiz show and turn his mike off except for his two minutes per question.

Then put him in a cell and turn the mike off permanently.


The question being: Do you condemn white supremacy?


“All right, what smartarse engineer decided to make this thing soundtight and airtight? Now what are we gonna do for the remaining debates?”

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October Surprise?

On a more paranoid level, this is exactly the kind of stunt a manipulator would pull after the reaction to the debates. Leave him alone to tweet to his base. If he gets sick, it’s sympathy and anyone who criticizes him is evil for attacking a sick man. If he dies, he’s a martyr who sacrificed himself for the country. If he doesn’t, it’s more proof that the virus is overblown.

And it takes all eyes off his performance. Likely he’s seething right now at the news coverage. So, two weeks “isolating” where he can watch all the OANN he wants. Where he can tweet and DM his followers. Where he can get filtered messages of sympathy and support and the media doesn’t dare talk about anything but his health in a way that garners him sympathy. Two weeks of repairing the damage done.


So, resident pence until Biden’s inaugural? I’m cool with that.


I thought “evil” was spelled differently…OH.


Regarding the Resident’s positively scrumptious test result:

Ahahahahahahahaha. Ahahahahahaha. Ahuh.


Positive test confirmed.

As people are pointing out, a mild case could actually do more harm. It’ll reinforce his rhetoric that only the weak get seriously sick. It’ll justify abandoning anyone who does.

All of this worries me.


He and Melania both have it. The news report I read says it’s making the markets even more volatile. I have never wished ill on anyone. I am not surprised. It raises all kinds of questions and concerns. If he were to die, we’d have Pence taking over at the weirdest time. Their party has been so tied to Trump lately, I wonder what that would look like even??


That’s what Bolsonaro did. He used his mild infection as evidence that the disease is nothing to worry about and that hydroxychloroquine works.


What probably ought to happen is for the news to loudly and frequently point out that he was putting everyone around him in danger while he was sick without knowing it, and so was the rest of the family at the debate who refused to wear a mask…

They’re pretty much guaranteed to have an easier time with the illness, since they’ll have access to the best medical care money can buy. Everyone else around them who they could have been infecting, on the other hand…


Yup. I am not worried for him in the slightest. I am worried about what happens to everyone else with less power and privilege under the different possible scenarios.

Like White House Staff.

What, you think I mean the political staff? You know that place is full of housekeepers, cooks, groundskeepers and other staffwho don’t really have the luxury to just quit because they don’t like him. Just because he doesn’t give a crap…


A cross between Cthulhu and Godzilla?

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And really, how healthy is he?


Even with access to the best care, they still don’t know much about the disease. He is overweight, which is one of the biggest factors in how hard it hits.

Trump is clearly not capable of empathy. I’m not being malicious. It’s a clear observation. For another person I might think getting very sick would make him Carr about other people getting it. But for him, it will have no psychological effect other than to make him more of an asshole.

So I’m hoping for a speedy recovery, the election to move on, him to get voted out, and then they take him to court for all his fraud.