Our Felonious Ex-President

But he’s not the only person in the WH cabal who’s had it. I want him to get over it so he and the Republicans will get bloody-fucking whipped in November. He’s mostly a figurehead, and his followers need to see just how fucking wrong they truly are. I just hope it doesn’t lead to actual civil war. Michigan may be a Blue state, but from living in the third largest city in the state in a county that has some sort of strange way of being a “belweather” of the Presidential elections, it seems to me that it ain’t Blue by much.


I have a friend who posted on twitter that the hoax idea what a progressive conspiracy theory and progressives are just as conspiracy-y as QAnon.

And it’s like … motherfucker lies about everything. Things that matter. Things that don’t. He’d lie to you about the color of the sky if he wanted to. Why? Because he’s a lying shitbag. Looking at any of his words and being like “what’s this asshole lying about now?” is completely rational after the last four years.


But if we weren’t rational what would we be? teeee


It’s official. Kellyanne Conway has the ‘Rona.

Her daughter posted this on TikTok


Allowing this to happen, defying proper protocols…the GOP has gone from deplorable to reprehensible and they don’t even know it. Evil + Incompetence = Please keep us safe and sane, because that is some heavy shit.


I dunno, man. Able to sleep at night?




i can say it here tho right?




I don’t want him dead, but I wouldn’t mind it too much if he was secretly replaced by Kevin Kline.

I’d also accept a software flaw that accidentally elected Robin Williams, although that is sadly no longer possible.


Hoax was a possibility for me until the official confirmation. After hospitalization, no. Why? Yes he is a lying liar who lies about everything, but he’s also a coward and a eugenicist. I believe the rumours that he’s terrified right now.

No, he’s not an actual germaphobe. He’s not afraid of mild illness, or things that can be cured with a couple of pills or a shot. Major illness in other people doesn’t worry him. But he is a control freak. And now he’s getting very sick, fast. He can’t control it, and he’s not strong enough to brute force overcome it. And the weaker he gets, the less able he is to boss people around and direct his treatment.

As a lifelong bully, he a) has no concept of professionalism and b) (thinks he) knows what happens when a bully gets weak. And now he’s at the tender mercies of people with no time for deference. If he’s in a COVID ward, even a presidential one, he’s alone and isolated.

This is not about sympathy for him. I personally do not care about his feelings outside of the effects that a lashing out will have on other people. Surviving this will not make him more empathetic. It will make him resentful and angry. And lots of people suffer when a petty AF asshole is president of a country.

It’s an explanation of why (at this point) hoax is the least likely possibility. He’d never go this deep on an illness con. A few days at home in “isolation”, live tweeting his boredom then bouncing back to claim that even coronavirus can’t touch him and it’s overblown, sure. But not this.

I am also not celebrating, because these are not ordinary times. The cult is unraveling and the felling of Dear Leader won’t help. I keep saying this because it’s true: cults are at their most dangerous when coming apart. You are a month away from a heavily contested election with huge amounts of fuckery and a cult leader who has spent years, but especially the last one, promoting stochastic terrorism and the idea that the two most deadly threats facing the world right now (pandemic and climate change) are conspiracies.

The bully-boy supporters (the ones who will follow any man who acts tough, who talk big, point and laugh at victims but don’t do anything) who are now walking away don’t worry me as much as the ones who truly believe ir the ones who need him for legitimacy. The ones with their own cults who tied themselves to him to drag those cults out from the fringe, only to watch them start imploding when he did… those worry me. There are less of them than the headlines sometimes make it seem, but a few people with the right weapons can do a fuckload of damage.

It’s not hopeless, but it’s scary. The US has never been in this before, with not just a sitting president, but a current candidate, falling ill this close to an election. He’s right that the SC might be deciding this election, because this part of the law has never been tested before. Which is one of the reasons they’re desperate to jam Barret in there. Gorsuch and even Kavanaugh have not proven as totally reliable as they thought. Now, it’s more important to them than ever.

2020 isn’t done with us, yet.


Trump, Christie et al. will be taken seriously from the start. They have teams of doctors immediately ordering tests and treatment.

Your average overweight and obese person doesn’t get that. We get told that any issues we have with fatigue or difficulty breathing would vanish if we lost weight. Doctors assume the weight is the cause of every ill, so treatment gets delayed and denied until we’re compliant with weight loss goals. Or we get lesser treatments in pandemics like this, because we’re triaged as not worth the bother. Or we don’t report our issues until it’s more serious, because we know we won’t be believed.



Has there been official confirmation? All I know is Trump surrounds himself with people who fight for the opportunity to kiss his butt. Take Scott Atlas for example.

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Really? I haven’t seen that yet. I mean, I’m still seeing people say in various ways they hope he dies. On FB, that is.


I love this! And the lettering is so Sammy Rosen or Artie Simek!

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I didn’t watch the debate.

Reading descriptions, I assumed Trump was trying to contrast his “energy” with Biden’s “sleepiness”.

Now some people are suggesting that Trump already knew he was infected and was trying to get Biden infected. Based on the descriptions, that sounds plausible.


Something like that. More like being a pre-teen juvenile delinquent trying to bully his way through debate class vs. the kid who’s the best Boy Scout in his troop (which may or may not be saying much about the troop itself).

Sounds like the far-left is trying to match the far-right with conspiracy theories. SIGH.


All I know about this and anything else is that I don’t know all that much.

but…If he dies, he gets off scot-free. That to me is for certain. I dunno about anyone else - HAHAHAHAHA! - but I don’t want THAT to happen, can ya dig it?

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I don’t think it’s the same thing as a true conspiracy theory. I also wonder about the timing: conveniently arriving ‘too late’ to take a covid test, and merely ‘giving their word’ that they’d recently all tested negative, then walking into the debate room and immediately taking off their masks and refusing to put them back on. Do I think they’re brilliant tacticians? No. Do I think they might have been hoping to take down some Democrats, or even Biden himself, as long as they were already infected? Yeah, sure, that doesn’t take a conspiracy theory to imagine is quite likely.