Our Felonious Ex-President

I found out last night that two of my second cousins are supporters of the guy in the White House. We were pen pals as teens, both of them. One of them is actually younger than I, and the other HAS A GERMAN MOTHER WHO OBVIOUSLY DIDN’T TEACH HER ABOUT NAZIS!!!

These are on my mom’s side of the family. The 1/2 German one, her dad supports him, too. I’m just so pissed off at them. But, knowing my late Uncle Harvey - who was a dumb shit if there ever was one - I’m not surprised (he was an uncle by marriage; his wife, my Aunt Rosa, was one of my mom’s older sisters. Sweet woman, all my mom’s sisters were.). And I’ve never been super-close to any of my cousins, because we lived in Detroit and they didn’t.

Is Karl Rove a never-Trumping RINO? :scream_cat:

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I dunno, his name just inspired the worst pun I think I’ve ever come up with: “Mike de wine up, we can’t hear it!”

The only way his base will believe it is if Ted Nugent and Kid Rock come out and say Biden won.


Lots of video evidence of Trump’s side saying Clinton should “get over it” and stop worrying about recounts. Mainly relevant because if Trump were Clinton he would have conceded almost a week ago…


Roll Call of the Derps.

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I hope there are enough secret service agents left to escort drag Trump from the White House in January.


If not, we get rent-a-cops, just like everyone else. And DC Metro police - couldn’t they do it, as well?

And I can’t be sorry, but I hope that mothefucker DIES, I hope he gets the virus again dies of it so some of his totally-off-the-rails fucking supporters will FINALLY get that he’s no fucking God/Elvis (I added Mr. Presley because I’m sure if the guy in the White House dies, some will think he’s just hiding somewhere)!!!

I don’t mind being isolated but I DO MIND the fact that he and his minions have only furthered the lack of acceptanace of common sense and science. The only people I have hope for on his side are the younger folks, as they seem to have a better chance of changing their worldviews than do their elders.

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I doubt they have jurisdiction. I can see Trump deputizing the Federal Police to replace Secret Service. Or the worst bastards he can find from ICE.

Eeesh that’s a scary thought. I shouldn’t give them ideas!

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Who from this list might be able to do it?

Things can be worded, too, to give the good guys emergency powers, can’t they?

Won’t be a problem. All the agents that are testing positive now will be recovered, back on the job, and pissed about it, come January. Aside from the ~1% that will die and the 15-20% that will have lasting symptoms, that is.


I’ll try to be optimistic. Let’s hope that more of them don’t come down with it.


They probably got tired of their client not listening to them pleading to shut up while a case is in progress.


There were, at their basest state, a couple things that had stuck in their mammal brains from law school.

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So, in a description of “Saturday the Fourteenth Strikes Back”, the phrase “wacky evil” is used to describe the forces unleashed in that film.

The wackiest of evils is about to be unleashed IRL:


We need to bring back ostracism.