Our Felonious Ex-President

But our mutual level of dismay more than makes up for that.


I’m at level trepidation, myself.


[…] - Read Them All Here

These letters are in addition to the one Dominion sent to Sidney Powell one week ago.

The individuals include but are not limited to: Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs , attorney Lin Wood , Fox News’ Sean Hannity , radio host Rush Limbaugh , code-named “Spyder” operative Josh Merritt , Colorado conservative activist Joseph Oltmann , “Exhibit Q” witness Russell Ramsland , Rudy Giuliani , Giuliani witness Mellissa Carone , Newsmax’s Greg Kelly , and Fox’s Maria Bartiromo . The entities include: Fox News, One America News, Newsmax, The Epoch Times, and the Executive Office of the President.

Document preservation notices to Giuliani, Dobbs, Kelly, Bartiromo, Limbaugh, Hannity, Executive Office of the President

Before warning that litigation is “imminent,” attorney Thomas Clare described Giuliani as a disinformation “architect.”


Can we just send Phil Kiesling out and replace all these voting machines with pens?

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I’m not entirely sure going back to the days of hanging/dimpled chads or arguments over whether circles were properly filled in would be an improvement.

Last mail-in ballot I filled out, I spent two or three times longer on it that I really should have needed to. Making sure I read all the instructions two or three times in case there was anything tricky, filling in the circles perfectly with no white showing but also nothing outside the lines, trying to make sure my signature was at least somewhat similar to something that would be on record… At least the current batch of voting machines are much easier and we’re just looking at insane conspiracy theories that should have been completely answered with an audit or full hand-recount of the hardcopies.

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Hand-marked ballots nowhere close to that level of nonsense.

I’m… not sure what you mean? Since that nonsense is what hand-marked ballots have gone through in the past, and what hand-marked absentee ballots are going through in several places right now.

People in Georgia are wanting to toss ballots just because the signature on the outer envelope isn’t an exact match to the scrawl voters made for their driver’s license (not helped by the DL signatures being done with those touchpads that are impossible to legibly sign on)


The majority of Indiana’s votes are counted on electronic machines that provide ZERO proof to either the voter or the poll workers that the vote has been correctly tallied. There’s no receipt of any kind.

Indiana was called for Trump when only 64% of the votes had been counted. It might be a more purple state than anyone realizes. Without paper ballots, how will we ever know?


Before section 230, if sites moderated posts, e.g. by removing spam, or by flagging disinfo, they were liable for any posts they failed to moderate.

Without section 230, no site would be able to invite user content. I’ve read people defending “reform” on the grounds that sites like Twitter could just introduce automated moderation. But, yeah, that wouldn’t work.


Presto chango!


Yeah, but Biden’s Administration is gonna have to do more, because $600 ain’t shit.


But the deficit!


And the draaaaaah-mah of it all - he’s really getting off on that. I’m just tired of it - not so much the pandemic, I feel more patient about that than anything - but his creating of situations that damage others but of course he doesn’t give a damn - THAT I’m tired of.

Oh fuck that - tax the rich and tax corporations like they’re people, too!


This is another victory of McConnell over Trump. But the story will continue, “Pelosi sold us out!” but she and we are still spectators.


No cap on withholding, SS, Mc, etc. to start. 90% top bracket will be next.


Yeah, I’m REALLLLLLY sick of this fucking posturing by these decrepit roosters who care only for their own greedy needs. And all us chickens are tryin’ to stave off the weasels and foxes, while those droopy old cocks crow and scratch at one another. It’s just sickening.

To be totally selfish, this shit shouldn’t be happening on my watch, dammit.