Our Felonious Ex-President

Vicente Fox yet again. He’s fucking brilliant!


Mr. Gardner said he did not necessarily favor imposing new qualifications for registering and voting, but he added that when burdens like poll taxes and literacy tests were imposed on citizens and registering often required a trip to the local courthouse, voter turnout was far higher than it is now.

And turnout of all the right people too, I’m sure.


Suggestion: give Vicente Fox a show on the CBC. If he wasn’t doing this for real, This Hour Has 22 Minutes would have to invent it.

How do we pitch this? Is there a way to keep it Vicente Fox but up the Cancon factor to make CBCers happy? Could we perhaps persuade Mr. Fox to use a moose instead of a goat for a more bilateral image?


No CanCon there, but we can push it as good bilateral relations with Mexico. :wink:

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Just to end the day on a (more goofy)/(more wtf) note:

First issue: that in 2017, this kind of tabloid conspiracy insanity actually has a place in a serious journalistic piece.

Second issue: this entire frickin’ portion, courtesy of Alex Jones:

“Pedophilia does not stop with sodomizing children,” Steele said. “It goes straight into terrorizing them to adrenalize their blood and then murdering them. It also includes murdering them so that they can have their bone marrow harvested as well as body parts.”
“This is the original growth hormone,” Jones said.
“Yes, it’s an anti-aging thing,” Steele replied.


Does no one remember Bug Jack Barron? Norman, I miss you, you were the prognisticator projectionist of the alt-right.


Here’s where I regret my sad sack Nokia 2720 camera.

Taken at The Works on Bank Street near Flora, two blocks south of McLeod, 1 July 2017, with an all-Canadian, all-rock soundtrack:

TRUMP BURGER: We’re making burgers great again. White buns stuffed with bologna topped with a Trump Tower of O-rings. Served with a wall of fries. Les Canadians will stay north of that wall. The cost? A “small loan” should do it.”

Seriously, no price on the burger. I’m sure the War Pig burger placement atop the Trump Burger is snerk purely coincidental.


Just south of the Queensway, on Bank between Chamberlain and Rosebery, on the northern edge of the Glebe.

I went out with my brother for a birthday dinner to The Works on St-Laurent across from Beechwood Cemetery on Saturday. This is ironic because I live in the Glebe, but there was a Redblacks game on in Lansdowne, and there was nary a parking spot to be found in the Glebe (for my brother’s car). It was a little screwy, because we tried The Works on Richmond Rd. and a large Chinese/Canadian buffet place (can’t remember the name) in Gatineau first - big lineups in both cases.

Didn’t notice the Trump Burger in the St. Laurent menu, but that’s not surprising - the menu’s font size completely defeated my rather elderly eyes.


Always make sure at least one person in your party remembers their reading glasses, and then share them.

Most recent example of that in my life? Last night at dinner. Trying to think of the last time I was at a restaurant with anyone around my age and someone didn’t borrow reading glasses for the menu. Nope, can’t remember back that far!


Well, my brother had his bifocals, but, for me, they were worse than no glasses at all. <sigh>


Phone camera + zoom works in a pinch, with the bonus that it just looks like you’re collecting images for Tumblr.


Was just going to say that. :smiley:

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Kind of insulting to the chimpanzees, though…


Dunno. Bonobos are the smart ones: they make love instead.


At least Trump hasn’t started urinating on his enemies from trees.


He reserves that for his employees.


Who was urinating on who here?


The Rump is nothing if not status-conscious.

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The only reason I didn’t do that is because my near vision is so bad that contacts are medically necessary :confused: