Our Felonious Ex-President

No Laura Ingraham?


Remember back in 2015 when Trump promised to “open up” the libel laws so he could sue the media for their “fake news?” Remember how his supporters all cheered?





I do get it. Ozone is a pollutant that loads up with other pollutants to kill people. How do these science-adjacent people get to a place where the science doesn’t matter? Did they just cheat their whole way through their program?


Well they tried to eliminate ozone by putting CFCs in hairspray during Operation Eighties Hair, but then discovered that could cause some pretty big problems too.


Unfortunately, it can be a bit worse than that:

Recently Farmer, the Colorado State researcher, along with colleagues at Illinois Tech and Portland State University, put one ionizer to a rare independent test. They assessed a “needlepoint bipolar ionization” device, particularly popular with schools, including four districts in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania which collectively spent $1.3 million to install them, according to The Morning Call in Allentown. (The pitch from a local salesman also emphasized mountaintop air.) In tests in both controlled settings and those meant to mirror real-world spaces, the researchers found that the device produced a negligible amount of ozone, which was a good thing. But the ionization had little impact on particles floating in the air and was found to have a downside: it produced other volatile compounds including acetone and toluene, irritants that can cause lung and nerve damage with chronic exposure. The science might be elegant, but in a real-world space there’s just not enough charge and not enough air flowing for the ions and coagulation to make much of a difference, Farmer says.

(From The ionizer in your kid’s school may not do much to fight COVID | Ars Technica )

There’s also history of ionizer testing showing increases in formaldehyde and similar chemicals in the air, and of it increasing levels of smaller particles.


“Y’know, I just got, I turned off the news, I get all these flash reports, and they’re telling me about the border, they’re telling me about China, they’re telling me about Iran—how’re we doing with Iran, howdya like that? Boy, they were ready to make a deal, they woulda done anything, they woulda done anything, and this guy goes and drops the sanctions and then he says, ‘We’d love to negotiate now,’ [and Iran says], ‘We’re not dealing with the United States at all,’ oh, well, they don’t want to deal with us,” a tuxedoed Trump said. “And China, the same thing, they never treated us that way, right? You saw what happened a few days ago, was terrible, and uh, the border is not good, the border is the worst anybody’s ever seen it, and what you see now, multiply it times 10, Jim—he’s the only one I know who would handle the border tougher than me. We have to, and the tough is… in the most humanitarian way, because that’s what it is. What’s happening to the kids, they’re living in squalor, they are living like nobody has ever seen anybody, there’s never been anything like what’s, and you’re gonna[…]”

Jesus H Christ, I will never understand how people can listen to stream-of-consciousness stuff like that and think, “Yep, that’s a great leader right there, put that person in charge of the country!”


Neither will I. But then I would also never have my wedding at Mar-a-Lago.


“So it’s a rough thing, and I just say, ‘Do you miss me yet?’”

Trump only steals from the best.




Full title: “Fact check: Trump-backed candidate for Georgia elections chief begins campaign with false claims about 2020 election”


Trump’s Insurrection has created a new excuse for overbearing, disproportionate law enforcement…


Searching a bit, trying to figure out how such a young woman who is never confirmed as being herself Latina or even being able to speak Spanish – there’s a reference in one article to the fact she got her big break (from phone bank manager) because the 2016 campaign wanted a Spanish-speaking organizer for a function and her boss, who is indicated to be the one who speaks Spanish, delegated all the work to her – got to her position, and learned this interesting little tidbit:

According to FEC filings, Denson was paid $6,519.28 in salary while working for the campaign, and also reimbursed for $485.84 in travel expenses.

She was working 10-hour days, 7 days a week. She could have made more at McDonald’s with those hours.

But the fact that so many people had to sign such sweeping NDAs helps explain why no one was willing to blow the whistle while he was in power.


Tee hee!


What did they expect? :roll_eyes:


More of what we were pretty sure was happening in the background coming to light…

Pointing to one change — in which CDC leaders allegedly changed the opening sentence of a report about the spread of the virus among younger people after Alexander pressured them — Alexander wrote to Caputo, calling it a “small victory but a victory nonetheless and yippee!!!”

Two days later, Alexander appealed to then-White House adviser Scott Atlas to help him dispute an upcoming CDC report on coronavirus-related deaths among young Americans.

“Can you help me craft an op-ed,” Alexander wrote to Atlas on Sept. 11, alleging the CDC report was “timed for the election” and an attempt to keep schools closed even as Trump pushed to reopen them. “Let us advise the President and get permission to preempt this please for it will run for the weekend so we need to blunt the edge as it is misleading.”

Alexander, Atlas and others also repeatedly drafted op-eds intended to provide an alternative message to government scientists’ warnings, including five possible op-eds detailed in emails obtained by the subcommittee.

One email from Alexander to Atlas on Sept. 3 proposed an “op-ed on possible damage to children immune systems with lock downs and masks ,” arguing to Atlas that “I do think locking down our kids (and healthy adults) and masking them can dampen their functional immune systems.”

Scientists have said there is no evidence that wearing masks harms the development of children’s immune systems.