Our Felonious Ex-President


Paywalled, so I am pasting it here. From the Wash Po - testimony to the Jan 6 about Roger Stone’s encrypted group chat. Emphasis mine:

Roger Stone began using his encrypted group chat to coordinate efforts to overturn the 2020 election less than two days after polls closed, video footage shows.

The committee presented messages posted in “Friends of Stone,” a discussion group on the encrypted app Signal. Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.) noted that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers were among the group’s members.

The Washington Post first reported on Stone’s Signal group, along with his use of the app to chat with Tarrio and Rhodes, in a March article about the veteran Republican operative’s activities leading up to the Jan. 6 attack.

Video recorded by Danish filmmakers, who were following Stone for a feature-length documentary, shows that on Nov. 5, 2020, Stone directed the Signal group members to recruit retired military and law enforcement officials for the “Stop the Steal” movement. The Washington Post reviewed the footage.

Dictating messages to the group chat through his iPhone headphones as he paced around his office in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Stone told members to keep checking “Friends of Stone” for updates, while an aide drew up an action plan that included demonstrations and pressure on state lawmakers to keep President Donald Trump in power. Also on Nov. 5, Stone had a 15-minute phone call with former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the video shows.

Several Proud Boys and Oath Keepers members have been charged with seditious conspiracy for their part in the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Stone and Flynn have denied any involvement in or prior knowledge of the attack.


As she opened the House Jan. 6 committee hearing Tuesday, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney ticked through a list of names of people Donald Trump’s legal team have attempted to pin the blame for the Capitol attack, naming the president’s lawyers, MAGA-friend lawmakers, and others.

Mark Meadows, Trump’s former White House chief of staff, didn’t make the list — yet.

Trump’s inner circle increasingly views Meadows as a likely fall guy for the former president’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Members of Trump’s legal team are actively planning certain strategies around Meadows’ downfall — including possible criminal charges. Trump has himself begun the process of distancing himself from some of his onetime senior aide’s alleged actions around Jan. 6.

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At least there’s one real patriot in that family.

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Anybody I know who believed Trump, be they family or friends, wouldn’t pay attention to this, so sharing it with them would be futile.


Beau is a far more patient human being than I can be.


And he died ravaged by AIDS; was he one of those who denied having it to the very end? And just how happy was he?

Also, a porn film was shot in his NYC apartment (RC’s not DT’s).

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Trump, apparently, is like the Energizer bunny. He keeps going, even though holy hell come on make the madness stop…


It’s pride what drives him and his ilk. They simply can’t lose face. It’s toxic masculinity - gawd forbid they should admit they’re human with foibles and weaknesses.

I’m still for low-dosing them all with LSD…

You know, that could be the most painful punishment: if he became truly aware of how awful a human being he is, it could be more cruel than any physical incarceration.

(I still want the physical incarceration too.)


Oh yeah…an’ put him in a sensory deprivation tank.

And maybe dose these people in a supervised environment…but it would have to be disguised as some kind of awareness-raising lecture…well, raising GOP awareness re LSD? I mean…how illegal can that be? :smiley:


Georgia prosecutors investigating whether former President Donald Trump meddled in the state’s 2020 election said on Tuesday that 16 Republicans who participated in a fake electors scheme are the targets of their investigation.

Yet 11 of the 16 electors allege prosecutors told them they were witnesses — not the subjects — of the investigation, and had agreed to give voluntary interviews to investigators, according to a motion they filed on Tuesday.

The electors said they were told for the first time on June 28 that they were considered targets, not witnesses, because of “new evidence” that came to light, per the motion.