Our Felonious Ex-President

Not only is “chair, hat, badge, necklace, vote” only five things, not six… absolutely everyone should remember that he supposedly was asked to remember “person woman man camera tv”. He’s not… *gasp*… making this stuff up, is he?


Another recent court filing in a related case suggests that Herring’s father, OAN founder Robert Herring, later sent the same or a similar spreadsheet to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who has championed the false claim that Smartmatic and Dominion rigged the 2020 election.


“Are you a criminal? Join the Republican Party!!”


The graphics dept. really outdid themselves with the image of Trump’s head on a verminous parasite!



Two Georgia representatives filed SB 416, which attempts to specifically exempt the Trump charges from being RICO violations. Almost certain to go nowhere, but the nerve…

You’d think that the very fact that they feel they have to specifically exempt these charges is good evidence that the laws were violated and prosecution isn’t a “political vandetta”.


Interesting. That’s a form of an ex post facto law, and it is specifically banned in the US Constitution, both federally (Article I, Section 9) and for the states (Article 1, Section 10).

ETA: Ok, I may have been wrong. Apparently the Supreme Court, a number of years ago, decided that the ban on ex post facto laws only applies to (a) criminal cases (which this is), and (b) laws that make a punishment more severe, not less. In other words, they decided that laws which make activity that was once illegal now legal, or which lessen the punishment for a crime after the fact, are not, for the purposes of the Constitution, ex post facto laws. And when I say “a number of years ago” I mean in 1798.


I do love Beau’s takes on American politics.
But that video, weirdly, has me hoping the mangomaniac wins the primary so Biden has an easier ride.

But no, not seriously. I hope that jaffamenace ends up behind bars swiftly.

Thank you for the link.


There is a politically motivated rico case. It’s not against Trump. It’s against the cop city activists.


Yer welcome!


A lot of Democrats wanted Trump to win the nomination in 2016 because they thought he would be easier for Clinton to beat. I’d rather not take any chances that Trump gets elected again.


2016 was a horrible year. Trump and Brexit both. No, let’s not take any chances. Someone’s gotta jail him soon, fingers crossed.


I read an article on my work computer, I don’t remember where, but it was something along the lines of “The Primary season is already over, and that’s a problem.”

The gist of it was that after only two states, almost everyone on the Republican side but Trump and Haley are already out, even though only a few delegates are pledged. And for the Democrats, no delegates are even pledged yet, but basically Biden is going to be the only realistic option.

Already decided by the end of January. Which isn’t really giving the whole country a fair chance to pick who is in the running. So it’s already off to a bad start.

The author then said a big problem is that either one of the frontrunners could be knocked out due to health reasons, or possibly legal reasons in Trump’s case, etc., before the election. And the deadline for anyone else to register to run is already past almost everywhere because now we start the process too early in the year. So things could get messy. :worried:

Ah, this was the one:


As far as the Democrats go, this is normal. It is extremely rare, for either party, to have a serious primary challenger to an incumbent President. The last time there was a serious challenge mounted to defeat an incumbent Republican in the primaries was in 1976 when Reagan almost beat Ford. For the Democrats, Ted Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter in the 1980 Democratic Primaries. Carter won pretty easily, but it was a serious challenge, and Kennedy managed to win 12 states, which is the last time a challenger to an incumbent won any state primary election for President.

Before 1976, most delegates were selected at the respective party’s national convention rather than through primaries or caucuses. Even then, though, serious challenges to an incumbent at the national convention were rare.

So the fact that Biden isn’t facing a serious challenge is unsurprising, perfectly normal, and not a problem. The media loves to “both sides” every political issue in this country, and this just isn’t a “both sides are just as bad” problem. The Chair of the RNC trying to proclaim a presumptive nominee after just two of the smallest states in the country have chosen is a problem and it’s not normal. But it’s also a sign that they all know just how weak Trump really is, and the longer the primaries go on, with a serious challenger, the weaker it’s going to make him, even if he is the eventual nominee. The Republicans (well, the Republican leadership) right now are completely blinded by the voting bloc that Trump delivers, and they’re being really short sighted and completely ignoring the voting block they’re losing by backing Trump so hard (the independents and moderates, as Beau pointed out in that video). And the media and some others trying to paint Biden as being just as much of a problem as Trump is complete insanity. Yes, he’s old, but, unlike Trump, he’s not in cognitive decline and he’s actually doing a pretty damn good job, other than with the Israel/Gaza situation, and I’m honestly not sure anyone else would be doing anything differently there. Well, far left progressives might, but far left progressives just aren’t in a realistic position to take the White House yet. They’re still a very small minority of the elected politicians in the Democratic Party. In spite of the media’s both-sideserism, the far left just hasn’t taken over the Democratic Party in the same way the far right has captured the GOP.


No notes.



Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump, said the former president “respectfully disagrees with the DC Circuit’s decision and will appeal it in order to safeguard the Presidency and the Constitution.”

“If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party,” he said in a statement. “Without complete immunity, a President of the United States would not be able to properly function!”

Funny how that’s never been an issue before, and wouldn’t have been nearly as much of an issue if Trump hadn’t tried to not leave office.


Perhaps not if they are ethical. And the republican party reforms itself.

Hmm, maybe he’s right.



That reminds me of something, now what was it? Oh yeah, you can legislate bullshit but it’s still bullshit.