Our Felonious Ex-President

Trump on whether Kamala “suddenly became Black”:

To me, it doesn’t matter. But to her, from her standpoint, I think it’s very disrespectful, to both, really, whether it’s Indian or Black, I think it’s very disrespectful to both, to me it doesn’t matter.

“I think this very strongly but it doesn’t matter at all to me” is a heck of a statement.


This is an extremely reasonable and measured response to his claims, which absolutely do not deserve this level of well-researched debunking. Any reasonable person understands at this point that he exaggerates or outright lies about anything he thinks will benefit him, and somewhat less frequently about seemingly random things. Unreasonable people are uninterested in the truth, and don’t care for liberal NPR’s response to their chosen one. Regardless, it is disappointing that the response to his false claims was published 3 days later.

All of this reminds me of a saying I remember seeing many years ago:

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

Apparently misattributed to W.C. Fields.



The book was to be titled “Burning Down Washington to Save America.” But they’re softening it.


Why doesn’t he just do it now?

But they have a really, really nice room waiting for him here, one of the nicest, not another one like it ever in the history of the world!


Trump praised Mr Musk for firing workers who went on strike

Trump said that if workers strike, “you say ‘that’s okay, you’re all gone. You’re all gone.’ So everyone is gone.”

But federal law says companies cannot fire striking employees.


What if they work as, say, air-traffic controllers for the federal gov’t?


Trump, from his press conference at Bedminster:

“I think that we’ve done very well, I think that we’re hitting a nerve. I think this is a different kind of a race, all we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that’s going to destroy our country

Yeah, all we have to do, to get the idiots to vote for us, is define the other side as one of these things. It doesn’t have to have any grounding in fact, we don’t need any substantive policy or anything, just call them godless communist socialists or whatever. :man_facepalming: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Migawd, Churchill, Stalin, and Truman woulda made orange toast outta him, can you just imagine?

(sorry i’m stuck in wwii-mode a lot, but my dad talked about it a lot - just not his own emotionally personal part of it.)


If I hadn’t seen the Tic-Tac bit, I would never have believed it.


I gotta say, this is right up there with taco trucks on every corner


Headline is:

Trump warns that if Kamala Harris wins, “everybody gets health care”

He’s threatening us with a good time again, not that I have a lot of hope that medical insurance companies are going extinct, though I wish they would.


On Tuesday, The Guardian reported that Jeffares, while speaking to former Trump aide Brian Jack, put himself forward for the job of regional director of the Environmental Protection Agency, should Trump win November’s election.

“I said if y’all can’t figure out who you want to be the EPA director for the south-east, I’d like to have it,” Jeffares said, the outlet reported. “That’s all I said.”

During a recent campaign rally in Atlanta, Trump name-checked Jeffares and two other election board members—Janelle King and Janice Johnston—after the board passed a new rule that gave them the ability to delay the certification of election results unless a “reasonable inquiry” into any discrepancies was fully resolved.

Speaking to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jeffares said he turned down the EPA job during Trump’s first term in office. He added he told friends that he’d consider the job now, but that he never formally asked for it.




“They had a recent article, and I didn’t know this, but you’re allowed to rob a store as long as it’s not more than $950. Has everyone ever heard of that? You can rob a store, and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is. Because if it’s less than $950 they can rob it and not get charged. That was her that did that,” Trump said.

I actually heard this claim (minus the assertion that Harris was responsible) while on a camping trip years ago, possibly in the early days of Trump’s presidency. The other folks I was with gasped and rolled their eyes at how backwards and silly California is. And it sounded so weird and obviously wrong that I went and looked it up after the trip. And, hey, whaddya know, it’s not actually true! And it’s so easily disproved that it’s downright sickening that this guy’s still spouting it.

Trump claimed that Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, “signed a bill that boys’ bathrooms – all boys’ bathrooms in Minnesota – will have tampons.” But as PolitiFact has reported, the bill Walz signed in 2023 does not say “all boys’ bathrooms” will have tampons.

Rather, the bill requires that tampons be provided to “all menstruating students” in fourth grade through 12th grade in bathrooms students regularly use – and leaves it up to school districts to decide how to comply.

And, yeah. Enough said on that one.


I find it interesting that such a brilliant businessman thinks it necessary to use a calculator to total up such a small sum. And that he doesn’t realize a phone works just fine; no need to bring a separate mechanical device.


I’m shocked. Only 20?


“A phone? But think of how many times you would have to turn that little dial. You turn and turn and turn for each number. Your finger would get sore. You’d get a blister. And the cord. Even if you got the really long curly cord. You know, the big long curly one so that your mom can walk across the kitchen to mop the floor on this side, and still get to the oven on that side, while she gossips with the other ladies. You know the turkey’s probably burning now, because the soap operas are on. All the ladies, they all watch the soap operas you know. Every day. Imagine that, singing a whole opera about soap. Every day. While you’re trying to steal soap from the store and dial the numbers for the price on your phone. Other people in the store would be tripping all over the cord. And the turkey would be burned. That’s why they invented calculators. So they could steal soap without burning the turkey.” (cue enormous round of MAGA applause)


…President Donald Trump, whose candidacy he describes as an existential threat to American democracy.

I guess a lot of republicans see that as a good thing.