Our Felonious Ex-President

The water that the EPA eggheads don’t want you to drink
Doctors are furious about this new hydration solution


I am so trademarking GOPFEW now with added flint!
Scientists1 have proven that flint contains minerals2 ESSENTIAL for life to develop.

1 These are the OK scientists that endorse products, not the snowflake scientists that don’t want you benefiting from anything they haven’t “tested” with so-called “research”.

2Science Fact! The Roman Empire, the greatest empire ever (in Europe) owed its success to high levels of lead in the drinking water!


See, folks? The advertising copy practically writes itself.


It is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, I admit. And worryingly close to reality.


It would take just a tiny shove to make it reality:

“The EPA does not recommend drinking this water.”

There, hitting your target market, truth in advertising and CYA with the regulators all in one go. Think of it as evolution in action.


Vitruvius, de Architectura, book 8:

[Legamen ad paginam Latinam] 10. Water conducted through earthen pipes is more wholesome than that through lead; indeed that conveyed in lead must be injurious,h because from it white lead is obtained, and this is said to be injurious to the human system. Hence, if what is generated from it is pernicious, there can be no doubt that itself cannot be a wholesome body.

[Legamen ad paginam Latinam] 11. This may be verified by observing the workers in lead, who are of a pallid colour; for in casting lead, the fumes from it fixing on the different members, and daily burning them, destroy the vigour of the blood; water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes if we are desirous that it should be wholesome. That the flavour of that conveyed in earthen pipes is better, is shewn at our daily meals, for all those whose tables are furnished with silver vessels, nevertheless use those made of earth, from the purity of the flavour being preserved in them.



Of course, and the dangers of e.g. the lead mines on Cheddar were well known in the Roman era too. But I was making an ironic post of how advertising could be used to bend the truth in a country which, for instance, lacks our Advertising Standards Authority and has extended the First Amendment to corporations. Lead bad for you? Teach the controversy!
(I was one of the people peripherally involved in the drive to get lead out of solder btw).

Edit - unless I have misconstrued, his point about silver vessels is of course wrong unless we assume the “silver” was actually an alloy like pewter. Silver vessels do have antiseptic properties. Or did he mean that people who have silver vessels demand earthenware pipes?


“Solution.” Heh. I see what you did there.


Bigger shove: if Trump deregulates as much as he says he’s going to.

“Flint Water. Exactly what you wanted.”

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I’m not entirely sure. They used earthenware amphorae, but that’s because it was cheap enough for bulk storage and transportation. They derived both lead and silver from galena, so maybe Vitruvius assumes of course silver dishes contain lead.


Boy, Trump is really giving The Onion a run for the money against Poe’s Law.


Good thinking. Almost certainly correct.
Silver had to be cupelled and the process was far from perfect.

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Of course it’s always possible that Gubarev wasn’t involved, his lawsuit is legit, and the DNC doesn’t want to admit that they have no evidence against him because that would slightly discredit their “the Russians did Trump”. His confidence in suing means the probability, if not high, is at least non-zero.
Note that I’m not suggesting that Russians or the Russian government did not interfere or try to interfere in the US election. I would be astonished had they not done so.

Interesting read on the infrastructure “plan”. Spoiler alert, it’s a cash grab.



I miss the days when “not every single Russian interfered with the election” went without saying.


Wonder how long until Trump goes out of his way to #notallwhitenationalists this news.


White nationalists are the good guys, we all know that.
Remember, if it’s brown people they’re terrorists, if it’s white people they have a mental illness.


I bet a few of them were married.