Our Felonious Ex-President

But of course Trump has to blame mentally ill people, rather than say anything against his co-believers.


The ROF describes itself on its website as a “white civil rights organization” aiming to create an ethnostate. Its short-term goals are to “occupy urban areas to recruit suburban young whites.” According to the Anti-Defamation League, the white supremacist group has a presence in north and south Florida and has adopted paramilitary principles from anti-government militias. It is a few years old, and its members are primarily young, white men. Jereb himself is 22 years old, and was charged in 2016 for threatening one of Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s staffers.

In an August 2017 video about the clashing protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, Jereb spoke of a coming civil war and warned “leftists” that their “actions and … worldview will very shortly lead to your own annihilation (and I don’t say that lightly.)"

So, Mr. Jereb, what role do you think your organization, having trained Mr. Cruz to deal with his problems using violence, had in precipitating this particular incident?

Jereb claimed to ABC and the ADL that the organization had neither ordered nor wanted Cruz to carry out an attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Jereb made the same point to the Associated Press, asserting that Cruz “acted on his own behalf” and is “solely responsible for what he just did.”

I have no words to express how surprised I am at this response. /s


They don’t have to order these murders. The white supremacist movement just draws in troubled and/or violent people, doesn’t usually resolve their issues-- though there was one group trying to address opiate addictions–, does suggest scapegoats, and does celebrate the idea of the “lone wolf killer” who acts without implicating his allies-- the Silent Brotherhood, Phineas Priesthood, etc.–. That often leads to murders.


Or they attempt to say it’s a Liberal. Apparently Infowars managed to convince all sorts of twitter idiots of that one using provably false information. I’ve seen it being repeated in a bunch of threads already even though I hardly use twitter at all…



Yes, they used /pol/ as the source.

“Japanese cartoon image board” is 4chan, the screencap in the screen cap is from /pol/ who got it from Laura Loomer, American Kapo


Are Infowars and the Gateway Liars immune to libel suits?

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No, but even real journalists are allergic to admitting both their limits and that they themselves have crossed them.


Remember the Post paying out big to the two guys it claimed caused the Boston Marathon bombing?


Not the president per se, but


There’s a poem about this, somewhere. First they came for…


Jesus Frog Fucksocks.


Jesus fucking Christ! Are they in a competition for the most evil things they can legislate???


You know the biggest problem has been with the Dems over the past 40 years? They are almost all Blue Dogs, even those who don’t explicitly claim to be.

Your country’s Republican Party wants to pass something despicable? They will find Dems to vote with them. A Modest Proposal on some other social or economic issue? They’ll still find them - maybe a different lot, but they’ll find collaborators for damned near any issue. Will you find GOP Congress-critters voting with the Dems? Very, very seldom.

Were I American, I think I would be working very hard to oust most of the incumbents. I’m pretty sure that a Democratic Party that wasn’t trying to move right to keep down with the GOP would have an easier time selling itself.


AARP is starting to get serious about fighting this stuff. We have a huge bubble of 50+ year old citizens who vote, and who are significantly affected by a lot of the latest stuff. Virtually none have estates big enough to think the tax ‘reform’ will make up for it. A lobbying group may be our salvation, after all.


To be fair, they’re actually claiming there were multiple incidents of people being uncivil to him in airports.

Then again, to be fair, the one person he’s quoted doesn’t seem to be wrong.


Yeah, I mean, if you don’t want people to accuse you of fucking up the environment, then don’t fuck up the environment. Right wingers are so sensitive.



Does this touch on the hacks into the election agencies? voter registrations and the like?


Since this is paywalled, here is the text:

The Justice Department’s special counsel announced the indictment Friday of a notorious Russian troll farm — charging 13 individuals who allegedly were involved in a scheme to criminally interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The Internet Research Agency, which is based in St. Petersburg, Russia, was named in the indictment.

“From in or around 2014 to the present, defendants knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other (and with persons known and unknown to the grand jury) to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit for the purpose of interfering with the U.S. political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016,’’ the indictment states.

The indictment charges that some of the Russian suspects traveled to the United States to gather information to help in the scheme, and that they also impersonated Americans online in order to try to sway voters’ opinions. None of those charged are in custody, according to Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special counsel’s office.

The grand jury charges that some of those suspects interacted with Americans associated with the Trump campaign, but those Trump associates did not realize they were being manipulated.

Some of the Russians posed as U.S. persons and, without revealing their Russian identities, “communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities,” the indictment said.

By February 2016, the suspects had decided whom they were supporting in the 2016 race. According to the indictment, Internet Research Agency specialists were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump — we support them.)”

Prosecutors say some Russian employees of the troll farm were chastised in September 2016 when they had a “low number of posts dedicated to criticizing Hillary Clinton” and were told it was “imperative to intensify criticizing” the Democratic nominee in future posts.

The charges include conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud, and aggravated identity theft.

One of those indicted is Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin, who has long been identified in the Russian media as the financial backer of the Internet Research Agency. He is a caterer who has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because of his close ties to the Russian president. Concord Consulting and Concord Catering, two Russian businesses also charged by Mueller’s team Friday, have previously been identified as Prigozhin vehicles.

The Internet Research Agency was at the center of Silicon Valley’s investigation into Russian meddling during the 2016 presidential election. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google all found evidence that the private firm used social media to divide American voters across a range of polarizing issues, including race, religion, gun rights and immigration.

Tweets and Facebook posts that have been made public as part of these investigations make clear that the Russian disinformation effort broadly sought to favor Republican Donald Trump and undermine the support for Democrat Hillary Clinton. This conclusion has been backed by the work of several independent researchers.

Typically called a “troll farm,” the Internet Research Agency is regarded as the most prominent part of the Russian disinformation campaign, though congressional investigators pushed for evidence of other operations, including from countries other than Russia, that shared the same purpose.

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Overall, Facebook acknowledged to Congress that the Internet Research Agency had bought 3,000 ads on its platform that reached 11.4 million users. The agency’s employees also reportedly made many free posts that reached 126 million users. In addition to polarizing online political conversation, Facebook reported that the Internet Research Agency used Facebook pages to organize 129 real-world events that drew the attention of nearly 340,000 Facebook users.

One of these, organized by a group called Heart of Texas, took place on May 21, 2016, under the banner of “Stop Islamization of Texas.” On that same day, another Russian-controlled Facebook group, called United Muslims of America, publicized a competing rally to “Save Islamic Knowledge” at the same place and time.



This still doesn’t claim either of 2 key things: that the Trump campaign cooperated with the Russian manipulation efforts, or that the Russian manipulation efforts decided the election-- though the Veselnitskaya meeting, and the subsequent official lies, strongly suggest the 1st.


The first is more important, I think – shows intent if true. Though the fact that the election was so close (in the number of voters deciding which way the electors went) suggests it did swing the election.