Our Felonious Ex-President

Again, probably just me, but… I think the wife would give me a pass for that. Depending on who it was, she might be pissed if she wasn’t invited to participate.



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I wonder if this is in response to McConnell dragging out the senate session to keep Dems off the campaign trail. Trump is already spending a third of his campaign funds on legal defense. Like, you hold our people in session, we financially bankrupt your morally bankrupt candidate.


Remember how one of Trump’s underage victims was suing him, but had to drop everything due to death threats? I wonder if Stormy Daniels’ suit and the Cohen investigation will open that case up.

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I wonder if the caller on those death threats (if that’s what it was) sounded suspiciously like someone who shall remain nameless but whose initials are Michael Cohen.

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TW: Rape

The death threats were from people online.

The details of the case are REALLY disturbing and unlike most rape cases, there was a witness.

I wish that Gloria Allred or someone would take on the case and get this woman into court.


Holy shit.


Yeah, I do NOT understand why this story has not gained wider currency but the Stormy MacDaniels thing has. It was a BRUTAL rape and there was a witness. I think the victim was 14 at the time.


Oh, I remember now. Let’s hope the investigation finds more about that.


After reading through them… if he’s lying, he’s a pretty good and consistent liar. I’m going with “what he says is true.” Demanding that they be released to the public may not do much for Trumpy’s cause.

Because the word of a witness alone will never be enough to hurt Trump.

Stormy Daniels was lucky because the NDA made it obvious that something happened and the irregularities surrounding the agreement meant that Trump couldn’t just own it.




Totally agree on the duh.

It has been my observation that people who harp on about “the economy” without citing any hard numbers and yet have a decent job, own their own home, etc., are generally full of shit and really worried about something they’re not willing to mention.


Also the fact that the people who voted for him were rich and not the bullshit they’ve been feeding us that it’s the down and out meth addicts in Kentucky.


I dunno, there’s a state park near my place in rural LA, and I go to it often. On my way, there’s this perfect tableau of a trailer, with a confederate flag and a Trump sign. I do think a lot of the rural down-and-outers voted for Trump. But rural, white down-and-outers are a minority of people who are down and out. Our media focuses on them (rather than down and out black folks in cities) for the reasons in the article: these people are “supposed” to have status, and don’t.

I just have such a hard time mustering a care for it. It’s not that I think these rural communities should starve when Medicaid cuts shut down their one hospital (and source of good jobs). I just don’t have energy to care about people who allowed themselves to be used for massive evil by rich white supremacists because they thought they weren’t getting the respect they deserved.


they did but if you look at the demographics, it was the richer white guys who pulled him through.


For sure, and the rich white guys made the votes from the poor white guys happen.


They voted for Trump at about the same rate they voted for basically any other Republican. Taking Louisiana as the example, the same number of voters cast a vote for Romney as for Trump and it’s the same for Clinton and there was a few more third party votes than normal. All in all turnout was slightly lower and the results were identical to 2008 and 2012. Rural communities are playing team sport politics like usual, the narrative was basically hand crafted by news.

Same goes for the “forgotten” voters in 2016, because about the same percentage of people that always voted voted for Clinton. Hardcore gerrymandering of the Midwest and suppression efforts threw the election simply because of how close they were and the way the electoral college works, but in general almost everyone that votes voted again.

The controversy of the 2016 election is how normal Trump’s election results were given who and what he is, and it’s the only crystal clear example of how white racism can carry an election (particularly thanks to the Reagan Democrat, who at the time was said to have chosen based on policy).