I hear you. Duly noted.
Wasn’t that Al’s?
Perhaps you meant…
How could I forget?
You would think that was plain from at least when Bolton was made national security advisor. I mean, it doesn’t take much to notice this doesn’t just echo the run up to the Iraq war, but features the same hyenas:
And yet somehow the conclusion is suppressed; the difference is that in 2003 they wanted war. It seems people will still suppose they don’t now, no evidence needed. Sure, there are things like this speech from just last year:
…but apparently when it comes to the possibility of America doing more than simply blundering into a war, they can safely be forgotten.
People somehow are willing to forget everything.
Because they don’t think disabled people deserve health care:
This. will. kill. people. There. comes. a. time. when. you. start. to. think. the. idea. is. to kill. those. people. they. regard. as. sub.-human. or. surplus. population.
They don’t seem to conceive of someone not being able to work. Too old, too sick, too psychologically impaired, tough. Social Darwinism at it’s best worst.
Of course, if you’re an upper class twit living off daddy’s money and doing nothing, that’s different.
I find living here absolutely baffling. The average person is poor. Quite poor. Other than a college, the major employers are all hospitals. And the hospitals are Medicaid because the people are poor. Why are they voting for these MAGA douches for every state rep, when that’ll lead to the closure of most of the employers in the area, and then leave them with no ability to get medical care?
And yet we have a Democratic governor? Who wants to sign a 15 week abortion ban? And make any and all medical records pertaining to abortion available to himself and the secretary of state, without probable cause?
I just can’t wrap my brain around it.
How quickly they turn on their own…
Nursing home residents?!?! People who need around the clock care, basically by definition? And some assholes want to evict them? What. The. Fuck. Do they literally want sick elderly people dying in ditches?
It can extract false confessions, yes. Do these pundits want false confessions, and if they do, what for?
It can sow terror and reap vengeance. Do these pundits want vengeance attacks, and if they do, why?
It can help recruit torturers, and keep them on staff.
Anything to keep wars going.
They may prefer mass graves or crematoria:
To make sure that there will always be someone lower on the ladder than they are.
Who cares that they’d be better off if a rising tide lifted all boats, so long as there’s someone whose boat is sitting lower in the water than theirs?
Bah. From the article…
not going to endorse Haspel also in part because she believes in torture, that she thinks it works, even though she laid out at least three instances where it did work to the benefit of humankind, not just Americans, but all human beings. [emphasis added]
Surely it’s not possible to argue against that! Especially not when you claim a former POW was a “songbird” in the face of torture!
I almost, but not quite, want to try to find this information of how torture unequivocally benefited the entire human race not once, not twice, but three times…
This doesn’t feel like the start of a disaster movie or nothin’
That’s probably one of the examples.
Peter denying Jesus three times?
It’s not that, but what the hell is it?
Complete Bullshit, fabricated out of whole cloth, in the knowledge that citizenry does not have the clearance to know about those kinds of things?
Just a guess, of course.