Our Felonious Ex-President

Except I don’t think anyone has ever called Trump “Mister Moral Majority”.


Everything I see from Shep Smith seems so far out of place for FOX. Could just be that the only times I see something from him is when it’d be agreeable, but…

Ugh, but this is true in such a disagreeable way.

Plus, he got a promise, lacking specifics granted, of security for the North Korean regime. A regime that has an estimated 120000 political prisoners across the nation. A regime that tortures and murders its own citizens, imprisons children for the actions of parents and grandparents, and a leader who has committed crimes against humanity.

That’s them, they’re horrific. So what then are we hoping for – to treat with them, or only to replace them? Because talk focusing exclusively on all the blood on a dictator’s hands is something I have heard before on Fox, and I didn’t like where it ended up.

Look, Trump is a pathetic, arrogant fool and it shows. His boasted deal making has yet again amounted to handing authoritarians quids without even a concept of an appropriate quo. He ended up with nothing meaningful, and blindsiding allies in South Korea with what he made up on the spot is a disgrace. Anyone who wants to say he was played is right. But.

Let’s keep in mind that as murderous as his regime is, Kim Jong Un’s crimes are not the worst threat here.

That threat is war. A war that would probably involve leveling Seoul and surely annihilating Pyongyang. A war between North Korea and the country that previously obliterated their every city and killed one in five of their people. It was once pointed out here they seem to have no monuments before the 1950s – we get why that is, right? It seems like this key context somehow gets forgotten in these discussions, but you can be sure they remember. This is the mass slaughter they would expect if America refrains from using nuclear weapons.

There is a real reason Kim has been so set on his own nuclear deterrent. And if that reason happens to offer some free concessions, to say it’s not out to kill him and stop parading troops on his border – well. It’s an inept accident, but is it such a bad outcome? I’ve been worrying about much worse.


As predicted on this very forum:


This thread. This FUCKING THREAD.

(He’s right; it’s even rather fun.)


ETA: the replies are pretty epic, too.


Chinese media have mocked US President Donald Trump over plans to impose 25% tariffs on $50bn worth of Chinese goods, saying “wise men build bridges but fools build walls”.


Man, the “child actor” thing is just becoming a reflex for these people…


Ann Coulter is (and always has been) a child actor. There is a woman who never, ever grew past a toddler’s egoism.


I love Nerdfighteria so much


Is anyone surprised that Trump’s “solution” to family separation is to openly flout established law?


This was a valiant attempt, but as always it turns out the actual Trump quote was even worse.

The Art of the Deal, international diplomacy edition.


Somebody did the last upgrade wrong and now all the dependencies are broken.


Time to reformat and reinstall libertyLovingSocialDemocraticRepublic. Remember to save your data. That won’t necessarily be corrupted, but be sure to use good judgement.


Drumpf’s complete lack of character baffles me. It’s impossible to underestimate him.


I think there’s some kind of hardware problem :frowning:

mkfs.democracy: Device is stolen land.  Invalid partition specified, or
        partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to
        a modified partition being busy and in use.  You may need to reboot
        to re-read your partition table.

My in-laws are ranchers in TX. They’re very conservative and have fought against regulation at all turns. “We just wanna be left alone!” is their rallying cry. They’re also pretty generous; my mother-in-law always has a bag of clothes, snacks and bottled water for homeless people in her car.

During the fracking boom, their neighbor leased his land to be mined for water. It dried up their creek. They had to sell a bunch of animals, and it cost them a lot of money. “How can he do this? We all need that water!” became “Why isn’t the government fixing this?”. They voted against regulation because they thought decency would be enough. It isn’t.

About three years later they voted for Trump. I often wonder what it will take for them, personally, to realize this dude is a bad dude. That there are people out there of truly no character. It’s easy for me to realize this; the first big thing that happened in politics in my life was both parties colluding with the media to sell America on a massive foreign war with a country that wasn’t even involved in 9/11. I often have a lot of sympathy for people who believe we can reason with the right, because they probably grew up in a time where that was possible. But you’ll never go broke on betting the Republicans will sign off on endless depravity, and that the Democrats probably will, too.


There are a lot of people who are raised with an idea of submission to authority, and so when someone comes in who says, “I am here to be your big daddy. I am going to make decisions for you and order people around,” that person makes them feel secure and safe. It’s not logical; they don’t seem to care whether the decisions are good ones. They love that someone is in charge, or acts like he is, which is the most important part. That sense of knowing your place.


That’s what makes the Korea thing so scary. Trump got a taste: “All his people, they sit up for him.” And that’s what a lot of Trumpers want - to be told what to think, when to think it and how to wipe their own damn asses.


Decency only applies until money gets involved. After that, all the rules are gone.

I too have sympathy for them as well even though I know that it’s impossible at this point. The hardcore Trumpsters and TGOP can’t be reasoned with.

think I’ll pass on that, thanks. I like making my own decisions and I have to accept whatever consequences come from it.

they are babies is what you are saying?

I would rather die fighting than stand at attention for that orange shitstain.