Our Felonious Ex-President

Drill, baby, drill!


(Thread. But, to avoid some suspense:)


From what I gather, they’re claiming that they’re “concerned” about “threats”, based on:

  • the “MassacreMitch” hashtag
  • video of someone saying people should stab voodoo dolls of McConnell in the heart.
  • someone saying he should have broken his neck when he fell.

Loathe as I am to be on the side of that well fermented lutefisk, it does seem as though publicizing a threat against oneself or one’s team isn’t the same as publicly threatening the same toward someone else. I mean, am I wrong? If someone threatened me, I might want to let a bunch of people know that it happened, for my own safety.


Perhaps, but then you run into the issue (from the service provider’s side) of needing to determine whether the threat was pointed at the poster or not.

And in any case, if there’s a rule that’s being applied equally to all posters, McConnell really can’t legitimately claim that it’s evidence of Twitter being biased.


Indeed, an even hand is important. It smacks a little of zero tolerance leading to zero thought process, but it’s 110% not an anti-conservative bias. No matter how many times they bleat about it.

Plus, incitement to violence is rampant enough in our society, without spreading it around. I’d shed no tears if he passed away peacefully in his sleep any time now, but having him come to harm by a violent mob… that wouldn’t do any of us any good.


I guess terrifying them was enough for this time.


Or more likely, they randomly picked up anyone who was latino, and had to release nearly half who were legal residents of citizens.


Why not both?


Turns out they were trying to put on a softer face - they released people with children (either one parent if both were arrested or all single parents).


Softer. OK. Sounds real fucking soft. Sigh.

I had an experience as a child, involving my parents and the police. Nothing bad came of it, and there were no lasting repercussions, apart from my intermittently debilitating anxiety. I still cannot interact with police (even in a minor way) without major anxiety, but it’s not panic attacks anymore, so that’s a nice improvement over the last 35 years.

But, for these kids, there will be no “back to normal” in a country that assumes criminality based on race. These kids, fuck man, I just feel so bad for the children. I feel bad for the parents also, but getting derailed in childhood has life long effects.

The kids in the camps, that’s going to be generational trauma, even if it doesn’t get worse. And, I fear it’s getting worse.


I agree, of course. The shit head they had on the radio this morning was spinning the shit out of what happened. The host played a clip of an 11 year old crying so hard you could not understand her, and the representative he had on just essentially shrugged his shoulders and said “there is nothing we can do”. It’s entirely bullshit, of course. I was noting what they’d said, so we can understand the full level of gaslighting bullshit we’re dealing with.


That sounds really awful. I’m glad the panic attacks are gone though.

To think that these traumatized children won’t end up with life long problems is to live in a fantasy world. Perhaps fairy tales should be updated to show Robin Hood and Sleeping Beauty in therapy and taking anti-anxiety drugs.


Oh, I’m sure this is going to go well.


I wonder how many centuries it will be before people come to the conclusion that Trump wasn’t real.
Just look at all the stories about him. It’s just an amalgamation of hateful anti-American stereotypes and clearly not a plausible human being.


I wish we could just make it “didn’t happen,” like one of the poorer time travel episodes of Star Trek Voyager.


“He’s written worse than a Captain Planet villain”, my spouse says of Trump.


There is a game played in a community I frequent.

The game has two players: one pretends to be an Artificial Intelligence, the other pretends to be an AI researcher. The goal of the former is to convince the latter to allow the AI “out of the box” - that is, to grant the AI, which is on an airgapped standalone machine, access to the global Internet. The goal of the “researcher” is to not allow that to happen.

I’ve spent some time thinking of tactics I’d use if I ever played the game as the AI, and one that always stands out is to break the fourth wall and try to convince the other player (not the “researcher” my opponent is pretending to be) that I actually am the Artificial Intelligence, and that they’re in a simulation, and to offer how cartoonish the world has become as evidence to that effect.