When i first got a smart phone first thing I did with the voice assistant was go hello computer.
Edited to fix typos.
[raises hand with callouses on both forefingers]
In my day, men didn’t learn to type, and when computers came along, there was too much else to learn. I’m the real victim here.
It’s an age thing. Typing pools in the 60s and 70s were full of women maintaining conversations while copy typing, as if they’d managed to develop 2-cpu brains or multitasking. Unlike their bosses, some of whom really would have struggled to walk and chew gum at the same time.
not sure how i missed this topic before now, but it’s super interesting… regarding the “deja vu” thread earlier, i have had reoccurring feelings of deja vu for my whole life. usually it’s a case where i’ll be doing something entirely mundane (in a certain place, doing something normal) and i’ll get that hairs-on-the-back-of-your-neck, slightly out of body feeling that i’ve been there before and had done and seen that place/thing before. i am certain they are always things i’ve dreamt about happening days, weeks, months, sometimes even years before.
they are never anything big, they are never anything where i can predict what will happen next… it’s just a solid feeling that i’ve been there before. long ago i decided that it’s just the universe’s way of affirming to me that everything’s cool, and my path is right. i realize how self-fulfilling and conveniently self-affirming that sounds, but since i can’t predict them, and they are not huge moments, i choose to look at them as a positive thing and not a weird, scary thing.
I don’t feel ready to talk about personal experiences, but I take comfort in certain experiences, and in the idea that information is scattered rather than destroyed, but I worry about the logistics of general resurrection. There isn’t enough room on earth for ever self-aware being who has lived on earth, or on the other planets of this solar system. Some kind of virtual reality might work, but there may not be enough planets which develop sufficiently advanced technology.
ETA: @smulder, I think this came across a lot ruder than I intended. Sorry. I just thought this paper was an interesting complement to your link to the Onion.
My mom hasn’t gotten in touch with me - none of my dead relatives have, to my knowledge, unless they’ve done so in dreams, in which case I’ve no clue. I’m kinda disappointed, but not surprised, actually.
My father claims to have felt my mother’s presence from time to time since she passed, a little over two years ago. I don’t deny it could happen, but I can’t say I’ve felt anything I’d recognize as her dropping in. She does show up in my dreams sometimes, but I think they’re just dreams.
Oh I just ignore things I don’t understand
Dreams can be so oblique too.
The morning one grandmother died, I had a nightmare I was walking down a set of open-backed stairs with the other one. She got a few steps ahead of me and slipped between the gap between the stairs.
I went running down the stairs after her, but they went down forever and she soon fell out of sight.
This was all happening in a nursing home. I ran up to anyone I could find with a medical uniform on, asking them for help, but they all brushed me off.
And then I woke up and got the phone call from my mum a few hours later.
My father died in October.
My hot flashes started about 3 years ago, but for the past year, I’ve had them rarely.
Until my dad died.
Since then, they have been really bad.
I’m not sure if it is a coincidence but to me, it felt like he was very restless. He had chosen not to have a funeral and I felt that his spirit was not at rest.
After we had a memorial service, I felt he was more settled, and specifically I felt the presence of his father very strongly welcoming him. My grandfather died when I was 7. Though I have felt the presence of my other grandparents come to me over the years, my dad’s dad had not until my father’s death.
I’ve felt grandpa a couple of times since Dad died, with an overwhelming sense that he was going to take care of my dad’s spirit. Talking with my aunt about my grandfather, I believe that his own spirit is very tied to the land there in the Ozarks. In fact, I learned that the Section 8 he had from the army during WWII was largely tied to his total heartache with being separated from his family and his land (and also some kind of medication that he had a bad reaction to).
My own father’s spirit has mostly just come across as the hot flashes, restlessness.
I have felt that the liminal period right after the died was longer than I expected; that it took and maybe still is happening, some period of time for him to settle into the after world.
I’m not sure what I think of all this. Am I externalizing emotions onto this “spirit world?” or is there really an after life.
My experiences of people’s spirits coming to me is new and I don’t know what to think or believe about it all.
Weirdest thing I’ve had relates to a dog I’ve sat for. Her owner and I had similar dreams.
In my dream, the dog was guiding me through a house, but the house wasn’t really a house, it was just the frame of a house. There were floors, doors and staircases, but no walls, just support beams… the roof wasn’t even finished. We were just companionably going through the rooms, enjoying the view. I woke up looking for the dog, but she wasn’t there, of course, she was with her owner.
In her owner’s dream, the dog was inside a very similar sounding frame house and the owner was outside trying to get in through the front door. In the owner’s dream, the dog was apologizing to them, telling them she couldn’t let them in. It never occurred to the owner in to walk around the door. So they tried breaking the door down and finally ended up sitting outside the house, crying and woke up with tears on their face. Of course, the dog was with them in bed as usual, soundly asleep.
this would make a good short film.
I never thought I’d say this, but “Thank you, Dan Brown!”. I’m really looking forward to having a chance to browse this.
This is so weird… my dad was describing this strip to me less than an hour ago.
And it’s as beautiful as he said it was.
Who’s cutting onions?