Portland Heat Wave Apocalypse

Meanwhile in the Atlantic Northeast (ANE?), we’re having a cold summer. Twice last week it got down to 51°F and one day we had a high of 63°F, which is 20° below average. Weird when it’s not even August yet and you need to pull out a jacket because 2 layers isn’t enough.

At least it’s not this bad: http://www.newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/1816-year-without-a-summer/
(flipping back and forth between 100+ and snowing, with wildfires)


West of the Cascades, yes. Many homes (& many businesses) don’t have AC. Also worth considering is that many unhoused people are SOL as there aren’t many public cooling centers. And despite being rainy most of the year, the Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula are generally not that humid in the summers.



I’m sorry to hear this, and share your pain as my 109 year old house contains no ducts, thus does not have central air. Michigan summers aren’t exactly comfortable or cool in the vicinity of Detroit, it’s temperate jungle down here.

I finally bought a window unit after our son was born, so that he wouldn’t suffer.


Oh man it wasn’t till I was in high school that we got window units for the 1930s vintage house I grew up in and St. Louis stays warm at night. Fans while not great help with airflow. We only need one window and use the central air fan to move the cool air around the rest of the house. If it stayed in the mid to high 80s at night we would have a window AC unit instead of the box fan.


We’ve since also purchased one of those “portable” room conditioners for the downstairs. It’s pretty dang efficient compared to a window unit. If you succumb to the enticing thought of sleeping in a nice, cool room during a heat wave, and have double hung windows, I recommend a unit of this sort.


If the temps didn’t drop into the mid to low 70’s at night it would definitely be a thing that has already been purchased.

Ours didn’t either, so we improvised.

It might not look great in here, but it’s not exposed in all the rooms. This is the oldest part, in the part of the house that was built in the 50s there is enough of a crawlspace to hide the ducts.


heat and humidity…yuck to both



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Oh that is what the hell I have been faintly smelling in the air. I noticed the haze this morning but didn’t think it would be from the wildfires but apparently it is.




Sky conditions: clear

This is a lie.


It was unbelievable yesterday. I walk outside are around 5pm and I can smell the burning and the sky is this hazy overcast looking miasma. If it wasn’t 90F I would have assumed it’s winter with people burning shit.

Fuck this weather. Even with an AC running all day it’s still in the 80s in my bedroom. Fuck the builder of my condo for cheaping out on insulation especially between floors. And fuck my downstairs neighbors that don’t open their windows which makes my condo even hotter as a result of lack of ventilation. (I guess this belongs in “fuck today”.)


My first thought would have been vape fumes from hipsters, but smoke from wildfires works as well.


2 summers ago now I remember going outside and thinking there was a house or brush fire really nearby… nope it was smoke from the wild fires up in the northern part of the sate and it was strong, it made my eyes water strong and these were all like 80+ miles from Seattle proper.


Same for me. Started to wonder if the thermostat was broke at 80. My old little house really held the heat late into the night yesterday. I have one window AC and one portable unit in another part of the house. I can’t imagine what it would have been like without those running all day and night. :sweat:


Welp, you could always construct a soffit around it. :thinking:


It wasn’t too bad. It still cools off though late into the evening but the one window fan + the fan for the forced air heat does a great job and I slept well enough. At least I didn’t wake up from the heat and I say this as someone who once took 3 cold showers through the course of one night just to stay cool cause the residence hall only had steam heating and it was like 85 and humid enough to feel it outside at 2am. I and at least one other resident punted at 3am as a breaker for the building blew and not even power for the fans for a bit so we walked up to the Hardees which was open 24x7 to have some food, cold drinks and hang out in the AC for awhile.