Proposed Rules for good behavior and consequences for misbehavior

Yes, I have, as my stunt @Tom_Ratchetcrank, for whom I am the “prime.”


I don’t know what’s going on over multiple websites; this is the one I pay attention to.

I do remember a quite surprising flare-up between a couple of people, ones who maaaaybe oughta know better than getting quite so vicious over what is, in the end, a truly unimportant thing that’s supposed to be fun and lighthearted and not nasty at all. What was intended is something that has a long and almost entirely happy precedent, both here and at the BB BBS.

Then again, I do understand that when it gets particularly dense and impenetrable, and isn’t clearly marked as part of the game, it can be alarming, which is not the goal at all. Nobody involved wants that.


If one of the people you are referring to is myself, I would like to contend that:

  • The only “viciousness” recorded on my part was unintentional (the “ex-girlfriend joke”).
  • The aforementioned joke was primarily meant to be a self-deprecating attempt to indicate cluelessness as to why viciousness was being directed at myself.
  • Even though the viciousness on my part was unintentional, I have explained, apologized and offered to make amends (an offer which was thrown back in my face).
  • After the Clubhouse topic was locked, I disengaged from the conflict entirely.

I would further contend that approximately none of the above is true for the viciousness that was directed at myself by someone who has been behaving less “fun” than “unruly.”

I am trying very, very hard not to be insulted by the “very fine people on both sides” narrative that you’re pushing.

I am not entirely succeeding.




I reiterate one more time;

I don’t have a problem with the RPGs here or with the people who choose to play them.

That is not now and never has been the issue for me.

I don’t have any problem with sock puppet accounts being used exclusively for the purpose of role-playing within the specific game threads.

What I most certainly DO have an issue with is someone using those same sock puppets to harass someone, or to play mind games in an attempt to sow discord and distrust.

That misuse of a privilege is very much a concern to me.


I honestly don’t think anyone’s that bent out of shape over the oblique start to the new game. I can see where it might have alarmed the community, but I think as soon as it was recognized as a new game, everything would have been fine.

The issue so many people are concerned with-- myself included-- is the attack on a player by another player. If one character attacks another, well, it’s all in the game. But funruly directly attacked @nimelennar-- not his character, but him directly, with no real provocation. That wasn’t appropriate. And that has its consequences.

If the community wants game threads and game sockpuppets clearly labeled, it’s fine by me. We gamers can still have our fun, and the rest of the community will know we mean no harm by it. It’s a win-win in my book.


All the bannings for having multiple accounts came after the badges were assigned expressly permitting them.

The locking of the game thread, named BadAss as all the previous games have been, came after it was understood, and tagged as such, with a moderator explaining so in the thread for anyone it was making nervous.

The post flagged was in a thread from the last game, titled and tagged as such, of which there has been one poster.

The “system” determining multiple accounts has nuked at least one “Prime User” who has no stunt account.

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The bannings came because we had information from multiple users of already stated against the rules behavior that was happening off this board through private messages and other methods of communication.


No, that happened while the mods were still sorting all this out.

It’s unfortunate that you feel so very inconvenienced, but the responsibility for all the resulting fallout goes directly to your little gaming buddy, from the very moment that he decided to verbally attack another member here.


I want everybody to take a break.

I’m at work, cloosing shift, and will make a full accounting of all that has transpired in the past 48 hours, and attempt a course of action to the benefit of all.

I do not intend to stifle creativity, games or fun. I ain’t The Owl.

Thabk you all for your input.

I will close the thread after Pogo posts, until I’m off.


Please do not tell me how I feel. I would hate to have to assign motivations to anyone else’s behavior.

I have not asked for anything to be changed or any decision to be rescinded.

I might be labeled as “An agent of Badass” as some stunt account, but if anyone checked my posting history my participation from the inception of this site is still majority outside of the games.

Please take a step back.

Out of the blue, several accounts, most of which are sock puppets (for the purposes of gaming, so cool, but still sock puppets) get activated after a long hiatus, and a number of them start attacking @nimelennar personally. They do it pretty quickly after they reactivate, and they’re talking about stuff that never happened on this board, but TOS or somewhere. And they don’t just call them an “asshole” or something generic, but a fascist, on the same weekend that Nazis commit mass shootings twice and everyone on the regular threads is reeling from it.

At best it’s an egregiously poor choice of words. At worst it’s a deliberately cruel attempt at character assassination.

One of the sock puppet accounts then leaves the gaming threads and posts to one of the regular threads. It’s the Arrivals Lounge, where they’re supposed to introduce themselves, but instead they still act like they’re gaming.

Now, bearing in mind several of us on this board work in IT, what does that look like to you?

'Cos to me it looks like a sock puppet invasion, and not for fun, nice, game-playing reasons that people legitimately use sock puppets for.

Overall I’m pretty impressed with how the community rolled with this one. The mods have been cautious and prompt but still left ways for people to play games and send invitations (ie: we weren’t barricaded in or out).

I do not see how this can be dismissed as just a little dust-up with a community overreaction.


Yeah, I myself didn’t think it carried any particular intended vitriol, but you saw how it was received, and I am given to understand that intent doesn’t carry a hell of a lot of weight when something is perceived as an aggression.

But anyway, I was taken aback by it. In any event, when @smulder posted this remark:

six dormant accounts and a brand-new one all de-lurking at the same time to post song lyrics

it was a (fairly mild) expression of concern, which (IMHO) should have been answered with reassurance that all is in good fun and all parties were just regular ol’ Afterlifers puttin’ on their sox, rather than a somewhat snarky in-character thing.

But y’know, we’re typing stuff here, not talking, and a lot of nuance is lost. People take offense, the offense doesn’t register or is underestimated, then things escalate. Especially if there’s what’s euphemistically called a history between two people. I honestly don’t know and/or can’t remember if that was a factor here; given the reactions, I guess there probably was.

Well, do what you can. I’m not trying to insult you. You didn’t mean to hit a nerve, you did, and when that became apparent, you backed off. That struck me as the proper way to handle it. But this particular fight began with this (admittedly awfully minor) jab:

I wouldn’t describe it as a “game.” Games have rules.

Turned out that that and the Steph joke hit harder than you intended. That’s a bummer.

I certainly understand that. But I don’t believe there was any attempt to sow discord and distrust. That’s never been what this is about.

They’re gonna need to sort that out themselves, and I wish they would on a gracious note. Hell, it ain’t none of my business, but I do like playing with both of them.

All right, I’m just gonna give up here. Never mind.


Something to maybe keep in mind: you and I recognize character names and “Badass” and see it’s a game. (Though I’ll admit to a moment or two of thinking, “what is this?” before I figured it out.) If you don’t play or pay attention, how do you know?

I wasn’t a player when the Dungeon Master threads went up at TOS, and my first reaction was: WTF? (Then I realized they were some sort of game and/or performance art. I still don’t understand a lot of what was going on in those threads.)

I think any worry would have blown over as soon as the game was announced… but then there was the fight, things got stressed, and the mods called a time out until they could figure out exactly what was going on.


It may not have helped that the Clubhouse thread I started, to try to find out what was going on, was also called super badass (with a question mark). This may have lead some to conclude it was also a game thread. However, this doesn’t excuse actions within the thread to those who were obviously not playing the game. And especially it doesn’t excuse the post to Arrivals.

Further, in reading the entire thread, I have trouble believing that the controversy over “games have rules” or the whole ex-girlfriend/misogyny brouhaha was genuine outrage. It just looks like shit stirring to me.


You’re absolutely right on all counts. I know you don’t need me to say so, of course, but I’m fully in agreement.


Attention all:

In approximately 75 minutes, we’ll have an update on the board and a resolution to this situation.

Until then, I ask one thing:
Be the person Mister Rogers knew you can be.

Thank you.


I’ll repeat what I said in the Lounge.


Huh. Didn’t know (or maybe forgot? Yeah, probably forgot. I think.) we had a Lounge here.

But anyway, that’s a bummer. Very sorry whatever came between you guys happened.


Heh. I hope I’ll someday get an explanation as to what “whatever” is.