That photo sfinks.
Is that Stan Freberg doing…Cecil?! It is!!! One of my brother’s favorites! This was a cultural phenomenon at the time of its release!
Albert Einstein, addressing a group of Nobel prize winners in 1950, stopped abruptly at 5 pm, telling his audience he had to leave as it was "Time for Beany"
Yeah, Freberg talks about it in his interview. HOW COOL IS THAT?!
Hmm, peppermint algae.
Our Milky Way galaxy (red dot) in the Laniakea Supercluster, consisting of 100,000s of galaxies. All orbiting an unknown gravitational anomaly, called The Great Attractor. Superclusters are the biggest known objects in the universe.
That might be more accurate as “the biggest (or, largest) known structures”.
Isn’t the universe the biggest thing in the universe? Bertrand? Anyone?
But is the universe in the universe?