I never saw this!
“I’m sorry, that line is still busy.”
Pre call waiting!
A friend sent this to our little zoom group, saying “If only I’d known about this antibiotic property when I was a manager trying to keep employees on track.”
Another friend wrote: “Makes me wonder if abscesses make the heart grow fonder.”
I’m going to abscess about this all evening.
Don’t go to abscess with your latest abscession.
Clearly this antibiotic is not for people, but for puppy dogs (and I imagine pus-
sie cats too).
You gotta make sure you’ve got the right species. It all boils down to that.
Anyone can make an error like that in a fit of abscess-mindedness.
Dodgy music over it, but the whale is having a blast:
How koalas are weighed:
Except for the joeys too small to be grabbing trees on their own, who instead spend their time holding onto Mum.
They get weighed like this:
Ayeeeeeeeee! I love Reid Fleming!!!
I’m not bald. I get my hair cut this way!
I’m kinda outraged. I mean, geez - how many people have won actual Oscars for being on-screen for less than 20 minutes (Ellen Burstyn comes to mind in “W”, and Beatrice Straight in “Network” as well.)?