Perhaps use a vacuum chamber to de-gas the water first before freezing? Everyone has one of those, right?
It’s missing the “Do I call you Brian, or do you prefer Cox?” bit
And I was waiting for “Pump up the Jam”.
i do have a FoodSaver vacuum sealer with a jar attachment… hmmm… i wonder if that would work? it might not be strong enough.
Here it is!
Yet everyone in Milwaukee mispronounces Mackinac.
ETA: I totally missed the last one
(OK, yeah, dabearsstillsuck. But still.)
Hang on. How do you say it in the UP?
In all of Michigan it is pronounced with the “c” at the end silent, as in the alternate spelling Mackinaw.
ETA: I don’t know how it happened, but we use both spellings around the Straights of Mackinac:
YES! Sometime way back, possibly the second grade, I referred to MAK-in-aw Island. The entire class and the teacher looked at me like I was a raving maniac. They were all telling me it was pronounced Ma-KIN-ack.
Thank you for finally clearing this up.
So there is one good thing about 2025 at least.
lol, happy to help. You were absolutely correct. Let’s hope 2025 isn’t all downhill from here.