It specifically says “snipers” (plural). The three squares at the bottom are not checked because they only have one each.
But of course!
A particularly apt application of;
Wait, what?
But many other animals have been observed making use of tools as an important part of their lives.
The Decorator Crab is one such animal - although the name actually refers to a whole grouping of crabs rather than a specific species.
They’re already using tools. Once they learn how to read, we’re doomed!
It’s fine, we’re all gonna evolve into crabs eventually, so…
That rings a bell. Wells? Stapledon?
No idea… from this…
Well, obviously, if we teach crabs to read, who knows what evil they will unleash!?!?
Substitute “Torment Nexus” with “Teach Crabs to Read” …
Wells, i believe.
As someone that uses a crab monicker for gaming, this conversation pleases me