We better start practicing!
And they already have opposable thumbs!
I think we’d be fine with crabs reading things like comic books, but if they ever get hold of the classics they will become a cancer on our society.
Hey hey now, we might evolve into weasels (a body form that keeps evolving in mammals). Though I’m holding out for evolving into a tree.
*I’m reminded of someone (Charles Stross?) pointing out that crabs, venom and trees have all evolved, separately, many times on Earth, so odds are good, if you go to a planet with life, that there will be venomous tree crabs.
(Can’t find the pic right now, sorry.)
Do WE have venomous tree crabs?
Why? Do you want venomous tree crabs?
Not only are there are no venomous crabs, there are almost no venomous crustaceans, the exception being an odd little group called remipedes. It seems like it might be at odds with putting so much into physical defenses? Probably the closest thing functionally would be scorpions, since they combine claws with a stinger for the sake of ambushing prey, although the body is not at all crab-like.
I know it’s fun to think of convergent evolution as some inevitable force but the truth is it usually applies to groups that had underlying similitarities to begin with. Sure, sharks and dolphins and ichthyosaurs all look kind of similar. But that’s because that’s the best way to make a fast ocean predator when you start with a vertebrate skeleton, and squids and sea scorpions have found their own designs.
All I’m saying is that just maybe we should start checking when we walk under a tree.
Welcome to Christmas Island.
I don’t think they’re venomous, but Christmas Island is part of Australia, so…
Since Koalas aren’t actually bears, maybe Dropbears are technically crabs?