Schadenfreude Pie

Who dodged a bullet in this sitch, lol?



I don’t consider anyone who voted 2x for Trump to be a moderate and/or reasonable Republican. But he appears to have integrity; or maybe he’s just one of those people who get hyped-up by the idea of proving anyone to be wrong.

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Every time I feel bad about my complexion, I look at his and I feel better.

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I wonder who dumped whom.


Tucker cost them money, so I’m guessing it was Fox’s idea, but I am totally speculating.


When she got to be famous, I was like, okay. Then the historical flute thing came along and I just kind of sighed. And now she’s gotten to this point. Which isn’t really surprising these days, is it, after all the hoopla over her.


I quite enjoyed her, until this. She’s a solid player, and her first album was quite fun. The worst part is that she’s a woman in the public eye who pushed back against fatphobia, and it looks like she was being an asshole to the women working with her.


Like so many before her - and pun totally intended - she got too big for her britches. Fame does that to some folks; I mean, I’m hoping she was a nice person before all this happened.

Then again, someone of her generation not knowing that “spaz” isn’t polite and using in a song lyric and claiming ignorance…hmm.


Yeah, not knowing is a bit different than knowing well and openly defying as in Spasticus Autisticus.

But also, it might be a little awkward. As Lizzo was called out for ableism, many Black disabled people felt overlooked.

In online conversations, white disabled people in the U.S. and the U.K were speaking about their experiences with the word. Meanwhile, Black people in the U.S. and the U.K. pointed out how the word, which some say is a part of African American Vernacular English, is used differently by Black people within their countries. Thompson wished there were an amplification of Black disabled people who understand the nuances of those who use the word and those who are reclaiming it.

I don’t like the idea that she might’ve been forced into apologizing and claiming ignorance to appease the masses rather than delve into controversial discussion of nuance.

However, of course, I don’t know what actually went down. And even giving the benefit of the doubt on that point, that still wouldn’t absolve her of the other stuff - getting too big for her britches. That does seem to tend to make a lot of celebrities into rather unpleasant people.

But everything a celebrity does gets amplified way up. Who knows what it was really like? Certainly not me. Could’ve been trivial, could’ve been really bad. Either way, it sounds bad.



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There’s so much in here.

Listening to Mitch say it’s not hard for the Republican party to look good amid the chants of nazis while he vomits some bullshit about the woke agenda…

So many complicated feelings but I…

I hope it feels like hell to be ripped apart by your ungracious constituents after you sold the soul of this country for a few million dollars worth of medical care just to extend your fucking base ass life long enough to see your decrepit legacy, mitch. Enjoy your imminent brain death, asshole.


He spent so much time, money, and clout to lay in the mattress of the oppressor. Fuck him and fuck his family if they don’t recant.


He was already in trouble for being a jerk prior to the pandemic when he was doing the “Patroit Act” show, I thought.

Shoot, give it to Roy Wood, Jr. or Jabouke Young-White…or even better, me and Desi Lydic so “Lucy & Desi” can become household words again, LOLOLOL!

Okay, so it was 2020…still, this isn’t even fucking mentioned in the most recent articles. Fuck the patriarchy.


I find the second story (the older one) much more problematic. The latest story is a non-story. Stand up comics do that sort of thing all the time. They take events from their daily lives and embellish them to make them funny and/or relevant, or to make whatever point they want to make. If we’re going to start requiring that all comedians use only 100% factual events in their humor, humor will be dead. The other story, though, that’s not about his material. That’s about him and his behavior, and that is disturbing.


I know, I was really super-surprised to see that VF didn’t mention it, and that it didn’t come up when I did a news search on in relation to the most recent so-called scandal.

But…you know how it is…

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As a wearer of eyeglasses for the past 51 years, all I could think during the first few seconds of the video was about how his glasses would be all smudged. Also - he looks young, despite the gray hair.