D unfortunately bought us two boxes of freezer-burned pierogi. I cooked some, but they proved inedible.
I had an idea after a couple days, and put the open box in the fridge to thaw. After a couple days, I threw a few of them outside to see if the birds went for them. I checked about an hour later, and to my delight, all of them were missing much of their mass. I threw the rest of the box out there, and put the 2nd box in the fridge, so they could join their friends in making our birds happy the next day.
A squirrel that made contact with a transformer was to blame for a power outage in part of downtown Toronto on Wednesday, Hydro One says.
Right… a half-pound nut-munching ball of static takes out half the city. And we thought the cobra chickens were our best stealth weapon.
so cute
The next shot is the sneeze…
I want to see this.