Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

It may not be fair to bring Chinese traditional medicine into this. The drugstore I went to was (at least mostly) dedicated to Western-style medicine. The problem with the aspirin is “pharmacists” who are either poorly educated, idiots, or just lying to make a more profitable sale.


Ah. Quacks of ignorance. Kind of describes the whole situation I guess.


Restaurants with only high top seating.

I mean, how do they get around ADA?

Nothing like scrapping Anniversary plans and finding another restaurant last minute.


Our favorite deli just got a liquor license and replaced low tables with hi-tops. And a TV. :roll_eyes:


Sounds like a plan. Give three rings.


Comcast is capping “data usage” now, at 1024 GB per customer per month

Seems reasonable, but I live with five other people and we hit the limit last month, so I have started paying attention to my network activity for the first time in a while

A few minutes ago, something, some program, or website, or background process, used about 80 megabytes in the space of four minutes, and I have no idea what it was

EDIT: pretty sure it’s Discourse :angry:

Just got hit with another 50 MB and it seemed to be triggered by a Discourse “endless scroll” action

Apparently when somebody links to a video, it’s getting pushed to the client machines whether or not we even scroll so that post is visible, much less play it


do not, in fact, open walnuts by karate chopping it. everyone at dinner wound up slicing their palms, myself included.

consoled myself with a heavily rum laden eggnog, augmented with chocolate syrup and mint, topped with a splash of Bailey’s.


This explains why my data skyrocketed recently.

I have videos and autoplay blocked in my browser, but if Discourse is loading them anyway…


I usually drink the rum before I start karate chopping things, but whatever works. :wink:


People don’t post a lot of mp4 links, but it’s an example of how the web is bloated and wasteful now


Predictive caching (is that the term?) is one thing, but that’s ridiculous.


One of my live morning news shows turned into … an afternoon show recorded the day before

without telling anybody

or at least without telling me :confused:

Maybe I can get it from a different podcast link that’s updated on the correct day …


It seems to me there was a topic here about the Other Place having gone evil. No matter. Today the Other Place accused me of being evil, and now I have kicked off. Apparently after four years of responsible commenting my account has been deleted without any chance of responding. Is this normal? Is this permanent? I don’t know.


When it comes to their moderation, it’s hard to distinguish incompentance from malice.

Take their ban on reposting deleted posts. It’s the internet. It’s flaky. 99% of the time, when a post doesn’t appear, it’s because something went wrong and you need to repost. But with that policy, you risk an arbitrary ban-- a year or more.


There still is, but it’s trust level 3. There are apparently only a couple dozen Regulars these days. I only know that because I got a notification about earning Regular status a couple weeks back, and it was surprising because I didn’t realize I’d lost it. :slight_smile: I think I’ve flip-flopped back and forth between Member and Regular a couple times in the last year or so. My initial theory was that the RSS feeds were skewing the overall participation statistics, but the more likely explanation is that I just don’t hang out as much any more.

That sucks about your BB account, though. It seems like they used put the return date in a user’s profile when they got suspended, so you could tell how long they’d be out. Do they not do that anymore, or is it one of those situations where you got “suspended” for 100 years (or some such)?


Interesting. I was reading it about a month ago. I wonder if I was downgraded? I didn’t realize there were so many levels.

I remember those return dates. I wasn’t able to access my profile, my password no longer worked. I wasn’t able to reset my password either. Orenwolf sent me a message accusing me of doing something I didn’t do, which I received as an email. It invited me to respond to the email, but that got bounced back.

So, I suppose The Great Paris is dead and now I will have more time on my hands.


I never even got banned. I was getting tired of the dumbshits and then there was some kind of short-lived massacre of accounts of people who were truly not hurting anyone. When you ban Melz, even just for a week or whatever, you ban me.


Nope, merely suspended until Mar 9, 2020 9:00 am.


Interesting. Thanks for the information. I still am unable to log-in or reset my password.

This has been my first day of not reading that site since circa 2008. It’s not quite what it used to be, but I would still get some interesting news off it. But I think I’m over it. They have too many whirlpools of outrage in the comments. I always tried to stay away from those but I guess I finally got sucked in.


I only started commenting in 2014 or so, and the place has really deteriorated in that time, and the change is accelerating.