Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Southgate is lovely, and has lots of good shopping, so that’s one of the areas I like to go to if I need things. My ex was from Wyandotte so I spent a lot of time in that area. I just wish we had more big retail in my part of Detroit instead of out in the suburbs… but that’s another complaint.

And yeah, Vince’s is still there, though I haven’t dined there in ages. :grinning:


Then it’s changed quite a bit since I went there in…oh from 2010-11.

One of the reason retail moved out of Detroit was to get people to move out of Detroit, so I’ve been told by a few older (by five to ten years) Detroiters.

I know? knew? one of the family members who were in on the place.

Yeah, that area of Detroit…gosh, it’s not had its own shopping district probably since before Ike was POTUS.


Well, I was up and down Eureka Road a lot, and Southland Mall had some decent stores (and a much better selection than Dearborn’s Fairlane Mall. Don’t get me started on Fairlane Mall, I could kvetch a lot. :wink: )

But yeah, my folks used to tell me how different my neighborhood was in their day-- you didn’t have to leave the area to buy anything. That time is long gone, sad to say. But hopefully that will change, especially once they get the Geordie Howe bridge up and running.


When it first opened it was magical. Now, not so much. Like Lakeside was in Sterling Hts.

Also, the house I live in isn’t the one I grew up in. I grew up in Detroit proper (!); this is the house I grew up in:


I got three rejection emails yesterday re applications I submitted via

I have bills that aren’t shut-off notices but they will be soon, if not in-process.

I can’t even think of what I could do to bring in good, certain money.

And almost forgot - back property taxes need to be paid up before the end of the year.



Just about every day, more than once, it’s either I don’t want to exist here any more, or I want to run away from home.


It is just below freezing outside.

I have the heat in my condo turned completely OFF, and the sliding door from my living room to the balcony has been completely open most of the day. The bedroom window is left open all day every day, has been for weeks (it’s not easily accessible and too small for a person to fit through).

Yet according to my cooking thermometer, it’s just over 25C in my apartment. And it feels like it. Just warm enough that if I move around doing tidying or something, I start to perspire.

Earlier last week, when it was well over freezing (10C), It was very warm in here.

Recall: I have my own heat/cool system. I don’t need the central heating to be blasted like in apartments where you can’t control the heat.

All the notices the condo board gives us about saving electricity and this happens.


I like it warm. Trade? It’s 11C here.


So, according to a “friend” on FB, I’m lazy because I don’t have a job.

All because I posted that if I don’t come up with $338.01, the county’s gonna take my house.

I just want to die, you know? And I know that’s so irrational because it’s ONLY ONE PERSON. It still hurts, 'cause I thought we were actually friends, even if only online.


Here’s an idea…

I’ll paint a painting for the person who can make your house payment, if it doesn’t break the rules.

THIS WILL NOT BE A CHRISTMAS DEADLINE. I’m wrapping up my past due stuff, and it’s more likely Valentine’s Day is possible.

Want to give that a try?


Shit. It’s not like you lost your old job that long ago, and you’ve been looking ever since.

Christ, what an asshole, etc.

There’s a line from a detective novel I like, how everyone is just two bad strokes of luck away from being broke. It’s hard to wish that kind of ill on anyone, but I wish people who go on about the “lazy” thing would have to at least contemplate it might happen to them.


She’s a breast-cancer/stroke survivor, and older than I. Doesn’t give her the right. I let her know exactly how I feel.

“Lucy, get a job! Stop taking people that help you… I will never give you money because you’re lazy! … get a job dude”

is what she wrote. Notoriously ineffective to jumping to my own defense, others have; mine just is more like omg but i’m doing this and that, and it sounds meh, lol.

She was never like this before. I want people to know that THEY KNOW someone who is not an uneducated loser (did i type that?!) who is having a hard fucking time - that it’s not just a story online.

Five months is a looooooooooooong time, sometimes. At least pregnancy ENDED for me eventually, lol. Plus, someone else was tcb, lol.


Ohhh…you are so sweet. I don’t know if anyone would go for it, TBH.

It’s so weird, I don’t bitch so much about FB there and I never mention anything about here on FB. Although I’ve lifted links from here I wanted to share.


An email received in anticipation of a bit of vacation (and necessary tasks) back stateside:

I am trying to arrange all of my operations so that I am recovering when you are home so you can help me.

… … … … … … … … … … …


It’ll be FUN!


So, I’m trying not to have a meltdown over this email; it’s from the lady who bought me my current vehicle:

I was at the Ace near my house yesterday and was told that they are hiring. I just called the two Ace’s in Warren and this one is definitely hiring, starting part time. I specifically asked if you would be required to lift anything and was told by the manager that it was definitely not a requirement.
She also said that this job could phase into full-time.
If you go to Great Lakes you can fill out the application, and it might be a good idea for you to go in and say hello in person. That always seemed to work for me.
The phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX
Just trying to help…

So I’m filling out the online application and I’m looking at the “salary desired” and I’m fused: Even if I DO get the job, it’s probably not going to be enough money to get me out of debt. I’m two months behind in my utilities.

I have a slightly better hope: Open interviews in Grosse Pointe in a law/realtors’ office on Monday. It would beat the hell out of working retail over the holidays.


Try 'em all and good luck!


The retail, I dunno…I just turned 55 and standing up all day and dealing with customers…well, I don’t think it’s below me, but I don’t know if I’m capable of doing it again.

PS: And the woman who’s telling me this is older than me and has been a teacher most of her life. And has never been poor. EVER.


I have a fridge full of leftovers, and actually wrote two hours of leisure into my schedule for this afternoon.

Then I left my keys at home when I left for the office.


Noticed my phone hadn’t switched to wifi at the house.

Since there was a PC nearby, noticed it wasn’t connected either.

Wandered over to my network closet and no lights on the router.

Pulled the plug, plugged it back in.

No lights.

Pull it down from where it is mounted high on the wall and notice the power switch is out (push button - in is on, out is off)

Push it on, but it won’t latch. If I push and hold it, it will boot up and work.

So, a strip of duct tape later, it is working, but that is not an ideal fix.

Sure, it’s a six year old router, but it was working fine.
