Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

I don’t know. I’ve got my last four jobs that way. There are always points of overlap.

Even if there isn’t with this particular department, showing the senator’s assistant your CV at least shows you have one and area actively searching.


. . . some of whom are then convinced gummint is “bad” and so vote for the same damn republicans who fucked the system to begin with.


Maybe. But they are happy, because then “urban” folks are getting fucked, and that’s often the real goal, to strip people of color (and women of any race who don’t conform to expectations, by being single, for example) of any services. And I’d suspect that most of the people who vote for these policies are not in a position to need them, more often than not.


So today was school picture day for my kid.

A week ago, I got this email:

This was the link that email sent me to.

Anyone want to take a wild guess what my gripe is, just based on what info I’ve provided?


I’m not sure, but if it were me what would bug me is:

  • The school shared a parent’s personal email with a third party
  • “My Legacy Matters” is an awful name that sounds more like you’re preserving a collection of letters you’ve written than, you know, having your kid’s picture taken
  • That web site is really ugly for a company specialising in the visual arts
  • I hate it when photographers ask for all the money before the photo’s even taken


Above all, I’m agged at the complete lack of actual pricing, and their audacity to just assume that I’m going to send some unknown company money in advance, without knowing what any of the product packages are, or any of the other fees that might be involved.

(This is my kid’s first year at a new school, and this is the first time that the school has used this particular company.)

That was my second and more minor gripe; it’s ugly, hard to navigate, and contains almost no useful info.

I can’t bitch about her school sharing my email addy because I did sign a permission slip at orientation.

I just didn’t expect the school to choose such an amateurish photog co.

Edit to add;

I agree, their name is terrible, too.


I bet these clowns contract with local photographers, and merely exist to extract a cut. They probably consist of a CEO, a contracted web programmer (a bad one, paid very little), and five to ten lawyers.

Edited be to bet.


I wouldn’t take that bet against you, because that actually makes a lot of sense.


Today’s BMI: 25.5

or, that is, somewhere between 25.34 and 25.7 if we account for various sources of imprecision


We went to a neighborhood party last night, and I came home smelling like perfume. Due to hugs with friends and neighbors, it was on my shirt, so I changed shirts. I still smelled it, so I took a shower.

That was so irritating. My eyes burned.


Some people are so afraid of smelling like a human that they make themselves smell overwhelmingly of a product, that they probably can’t even smell anymore.


One of my reports smokes and I had to request he “tone down the cologne” as it was irritating cubemates.

I really prefer when he vapes over smokes.


My four year old went to sleep at 5, and is now up.

I think I want a beer? I don’t even know what to do with this.


At work they are encouraging us to update our LinkedIn profiles – part of the company public profile etc. I’d been meaning to get to mine anyhow, and so I attended a seminar about it last Thursday.

The seminar was actually very good – the presenter knew her way around the settings (so many settings) and didn’t waste our time going on about how great the site is.

Because it isn’t. I hate LinkedIn. It’s obstrusive, confusing, and most of all BUGGY.

I spent most of today doing my updates. I estimate it would have gone twice as fast if I hadn’t had to do so much of it twice. Upload a banner photo, hit save, watch it time out and give a bizarre not-an-error message.

Okay, last step, and I find out my profile’s been public all day even though I made a point of switching it to private while I was updating. Oh well, too late now, so I’ll just adjust the settings so all my new content is visible, and…

The new settings won’t save. Not in Firefox, not in Chrome.


So I checked online, and I’m far from the only person noticing this. LinkedIn claims they fixed it a year ago, but there are loads of people reporting the same error after the supposed fix.

I went to add my own report, and got a 503 error.

Finally got it to work by updating it from the phone app.

Would love to know why.

Edit: autocorrect. Sigh.


Microsoft makes garbage and makes every thing it touches into garbage. Except the programming suite its employees use to make its garbage. That’s pretty good, supposedly.



Well, technically it didn’t “shatter” as such.

Still super annoying.


Well, it had a good run, anyhow. I think it’s over 10 years old.


This just clicked for me. Wonder if they’re only testing it on their own browsers?


Should be fine on Chrome then, as they’re switching over Edge to be Chromium-based.