Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

Along with the music industry, they view any technological advance with stubbornness fed by paranoia.


The rich hate changes in the way their revenue streams operate.


Even if itā€™s obvious to everyone else that their revenue would go up.


I wish I had a positive observation to make, but there arenā€™t any. I know, Iā€™ve been there.


If theyā€™re short-staffed, or interviewing a lot of people, it may be taking them longer to go through reference checks than they anticipated. So donā€™t lose hope. You are definitely worthy of a great job! The right one will come along, hopefully soon.


Relatively speaking, their social relationship, above everyone, is more important to them than prudence or even power. Nothing compares, for them, for their dislike of a widening of society rather than a comfortable retirement in a society based upon themselves.


For some books that I will probably only read once, but might possibly keep for reference, ebook format would be ideal. But with ebooks priced so high and used books selling at a fraction of the cost of an ebook, instead of the publisher getting anything, a third party seller gets the money and I get another book to stuff on the shelf when Iā€™m done.

Iā€™m kind of split between which I prefer and for what, but thatā€™s another topic.


NOTE: This is not directed to anyone on this board.

People who are better-off financially than one who just keep coming up with different ways to make money for one who isnā€™t well-off financially; who seem to forget that: one needs money to make money, for the most part; and that the money one has is reserved for paying bills; and that one might not have the capability or funds to package and ship things, since one is without a vehicle and doesnā€™t have packaging materials on hand.

Yup, someone suggested I list my stuff on eBay. You know they want 8.75 percent of the final selling price of up to $50, and after that, an additional 4 percent of the remaining selling price?


Agreed people forget how much of having no money is a cash flow issue.


Assholes who put their bag of dog poop in your outdoor trash bin.


Immediately after the garbage pickup, which means you either have to dig out the bag immediately and put it somewhere until you have enough garbage in the bin to cushion the bag from breaking when stuff is dropped on top of it, or else you get someone elseā€™s dog shit all over the bottom of your bin when you throw your own garbage in.

Been there, my dude, been there.


Gad I never thought of that. Excuse me while I go digging for dollars dog poop.

Given we have to deal with Dysonā€™s occasional pooping (and always peeing) on pee pads instead of the litter box (like today in the room where I have my computer), perhaps Iā€™m getting steamed over trifles.


Todayā€™s BMI: 25.8


Sooo, I reported my lack of vehicle and that of employment to MI-DHHS on 7/30 and 8/2/19, respectively; when I checked last week, those things were still listed as being a part of my case. Same happened when I checked today; both times, Iā€™ve removed them, so Iā€™ve removed them from my case three times. But my WORKER hasnā€™t, or whoeverā€™s sā€™posed to do so at the office sheā€™s at. And, when I called her number, I found out from her OGM that sheā€™s on vacation and wonā€™t be back until the second week of September, but if I need to speak to someone immediately, I can press zero. Which I did. And it rang twelve times; no auto-disconnect, no voicemail, no nuthinā€™!

I emailed my state senator and got a callback from a lady in his office, wanting to confirm the details. I mostly wanted them to know about the difficulty in communicating with MI-DHHS - who the fuck is minding the store? (I didnā€™t use that language). I also related what my worker said to me the last time Iā€™d submitted a request for aid on a shut-off notice - was I sure that I wanted to do that, since it was such a small amount? (she didnā€™t seem to get that $138 and change is a lot when one has close to no cash).

I want my state senator to know that asking for help from MI-DHHS seems pointless when NOTHING IS DONE when a request for help is submitted through CORRECT CHANNELS. Yes, it would be nice to have my benefits increased, but dammit, Iā€™m tired of doing the right thing and it being fucking ignored. Thereā€™s some competent person that needs and wants the job that my incompetent worker isnā€™t doing.


Right? Include a mini-CV next time you write your senator. Why not? Counts as networking!


That person, however, is not me; I am not social-worker material.


Fair enough, but they obviously need someone to update data promptly. Itā€™s steady and you can usually listen to music whole you work, which personally I like to do.


Yes, thatā€™s my worker; farā€™s I can tell, no one else is allowed to do that. I have no idea what the Byzantine workings are of the MI-DHHS, and I donā€™t have the education to learn them.

Itā€™s not like employers are willing to take a chance on a person whoā€™s got work experience that isnā€™t in their particular industry, either.


Whoa. If she doesnā€™t get that, sheā€™s really unclear on the concept.


This is rage inducingā€¦

I see it as a case of working as intended. A friend of mine who has her kid on the state medicaid for kids has had to deal with the bureaucracy, and whether itā€™s through the office or on the phone, itā€™s time consuming, frustrating, and full of miscommunication. A big part of the problem for why it happens is that both cases are in states that are run by ā€œstarve the beastā€ (meaning government) republicans. They cut wages and benefits until the most qualified are usually not the ones working those jobs, because they can get better wages elsewhere. And the ones who are there, who are competent and compassionate, are overworked, underpaid, and demoralized. Some tend to end up with some sort of petty dictator syndrome, and take it out on the people they are meant to helpā€¦

Donā€™t get me wrong, all bureaucracies can be problematic, but in states with Republican majorities or at least administrations (or a recent history of such), the goal is to make these as hostile to human being as possible, to push as many people out of public programs as possible, so they can justify cutting them until they are no more.

The more I think about this, the angrier it makes meā€¦

And this little detailā€¦

puts me over the edgeā€¦
