Looking forward to hearing this.
Cave… …told Laverne he will retire from music when he can no longer perform knee drops on stage.
But he admitted: “I could do (them), I can get down. It’s getting up. It’s a little bit harder.”
Kanye West!?!
American singer Patti Smith was performing at a theater in São Paulo last night when she fell ill, fainted and had to be removed from the stage. After attended by the on-site medical team in her dressing room, she returned to finish the show.
Oh no.
That was incredible. Thank you for sharing. It’s amazing the amount of ingenuity it took to build these early synthesizer tracks.
I really liked the singing too.
Saw Gary Newman open for Ministry last year. He was incredibly good. I hadn’t heard any of his newer material but damn if it wasn’t great.
He’s still doing Cars, of course, but it has a much rawer edge than it used to.
Something, something, Cybertruck…