I have good success with copy and paste.
i will have to figure out how to do that.
i am accessing entirely on mobile (android),. it is probably me, though it has never been a problem on Dicourse, before
Just posted some of my most recent projects over on the Creatives thread, made from a maple my wife’s great grandfather planted 125 yeard ago, finally came down a couple years ago. I cut up the good parts snd stashed them in the barn to dry.
You might have the same issue i have on Android (Firefox). The forum here in the posts the upload icon is way way south of the screen. I have to scroll quite a ways to get to it but its there.
Tap back into the screen after you add the image. It resizes the entry window.
No wonder I never liked umber, burnt or otherwise!
Well, actually it is spanish sang in french.
Or is catalan spanish spoken in french? Anyway, in Brazil we don´t just speak, we sing as we speak.
I had a Serbian friend who tried to teach me a bit of the language. Actual conversation:
“No. Your voice bounces up too much. In Serbian, the tones are low and falling.”
“Ah, now I know how Portuguese people feel learning English.”
Ok, everyone. I guess I need to post an update.
I’m not going to go see dad this week. I’ve only managed to get less than half of what I need. I called him on his birthday Thursday, and he recommended that I wait until I have the firm job offer and then ask for some unpaid family leave to go see him at a more convenient time, like maybe after training but before I start driving a regular route. By then I should have a few paychecks under my belt and could make the most of the trip. He feels that even if he quits chemotherapy, he won’t drop dead tomorrow.
On the home front, my leg is doing better after taking the remainder of my Bactrin, and I’m walking around without any issues. The only thing is waiting for the edema to fade away, because the lower half of my leg is red as a lobster.
Gremlin’s recent leg injury is not healing as hoped, so I need to take her back to the vet tomorrow. The swelling has gone down, but there’s a lump of matted hair and skin on the inside of her ankle that I think is the cause of her discomfort, and it might be hiding a still open wound. Even so, she’s in good spirits and continues to ask for hugs and kisses.
With the catio built, I am realizing how much the cats were using the streets to do their business, because they are tearing through the kitty litter like stockbrokers on cocaine. The MTS job should be able to cover it in the future, though. So many things to take care of in the first month or so…
Edit: By the way, a big “whew” for my friends in Moldova with the recent wins, even with meddling from Russia. I hope they find their way into the European Union.

tearing through the kitty litter like stockbrokers on cocaine.
I use pine pellet horse bedding for cat litter. It’s way cheaper.
Romanian looks just like Italian on acid, tripping balls.

I use pine pellet horse bedding for cat litter. It’s way cheaper.
Bet it smells great, too.
These names seemed more creative than most, until I wondered what was in the lower right corner…

Is there a possibility of just pine sawdusty material, and do you know a good source? My cats don’t really like pellets, preferring finer ground material. Right now it’s a 50/50 mix of walnut and Arm & Hammer clumping, but if I could find some sawdusty kind of pine like they used to sell in the 00s, I’d love that.
It’s not even such a big issue for the cats as it is for the trash haulers, who don’t want to take earth materials because of the weight. Heavy stuff costs more at the transfer station.
Edit: Never mind. There’s a feed store right on the bus line I take to my mailbox. I’m will go check there tomorrow. Maybe I could just pulverize the pellets before I put it in the trays, and might still mix it 50/50 with the walnut shell material.

Umbers put up quite a fight!
That’s only when they Hulk.
The obvious moral is, you wouldn’t like an umber when it’s angry.
I remember something like that, perhaps “Portuguese is Spanish with a French accent.” But then I heard Catalan… Um, French with a Spanish accent?

pulverize the pellets
We have 24 cats and on one has a problem with the pellets. They disintegrate into sawdust after they get peed on. You can sift out the poops and flush them and dispose of the wet sawdust as needed in the trash. I have some land so I just toss it all into a ravine back in the woods lol.