Site Bugs?

Okay, so not just me! Good to know!

I thought maybe it was from copying the link from the list when you do a search vs. clicking on the video and then copying the link in the URL, but that didn’t seem to make a difference… the first one I just clicked on copy link and the second I clicked on it and copies and pasted… you can see it’s the same:

I tend to not use URL shorteners…

Yeah, so maybe it is a youtube issue…


I’m not clear from your message. Are you saying it’s working or not working in your case.

Here’s what it looks like to me:

It looks like it works. If that’s different than how you saw it when you posted, perhaps it’s a difference in how it renders when it has been added to the DOM dynamically vs. being rendered by the browser normally. Refreshing the page should resolve it, I would think.


Here’s an example of the issue:



It looks like it’s widespread across many Discourse installations:

It looks like something they’re investigating:


The case of that, I was speculating that the problem was how I was copying the link for the video, and it turned out not to be the case. the first one, I copied it from the menu after a did a search (so, left click from the results that come up when I search). the second one, I clicked on the video and copied/pasted the actual url… It turned out not to the reason I was seeing the lack of title on the corner. So, there is something else going on with the posted video, especially since others are seeing it.

Good to know that they’re looking into it! Not a problem really, but sort of annoying.


This here is a problem for me too:

Is it possible to adjust the writing box so that it’s not so tall/long vertically?


If I get rid of the keyboard on the screen I can see the bottom of the window but it is certainly tall


Ran into a weird one just now. Played a bit of a couple of videos on the Jukebox thread, scrolled some and they unpaused.

Firefox 132.0 64-bit Windows


That used to happen to me all the time at the old place. It got to the point that I just refresh the page after playing a video. :slight_smile:


Mine looks like this…

Firefox does this…


It might be worth trying a different theme to see if you get different behavior. Profile → Preferences → Interface → Theme.

I’ve never messed with any of the custom themes in Discourse. I think @tinoesroho created several of the ones here.


I think I may have solved some of the compose box issues. As I was replying to a DM earlier, it occurred to me to try on a vanilla Discourse install for comparison. The compose box did not extend past the buttons, and the hitboxes for the buttons were consistent and predictable. This reminded me that we disabled the Ignore User custom component a while back to try to resolve a similar UI issue, so I investigated and discovered that there was another custom component installed/enabled that was named Reply Box Size Bump. While I’m sure it had a distinct purpose at some point, I suspect Bitrot has made it incompatible with more recent versions of Discourse, so I went ahead and disabled it. That seems to have fixed the box sizing issues, as well as the reply/close buttons. If you are still seeing the broken behavior, try refreshing the page. Please let me know if you see any other issues, but I think things are at least improved a bit.


Looks like this on Android Firefox.


So not an improvement, in other words?



The desktop version seems a lot better to me, nothing overlapping when the text box is resized and proper hit boxes on the reply and close buttons.


Yeah the desktop experience is pretty much what i would expect it to be, so great fix. For mobile it seems about the same to me maybe? But the tallness of the typing area on my phone is an annoyance but nothing that would be a dealbreaker for me.


Good to know, thanks. I may dig into some of the other components and see if there’s anything that makes a difference for mobile. I’m just pulling levers, as I don’t yet have an understanding of how the components all work yet.


This is what the site looks like when typing on Firefox mobile with desktop enabled. Looks correct

This is how it typically behaves. I have to scroll all the way up to even see what i’m typing and then scroll all the way down to hit reply

P.S: As mentioned, it’s an annoyance but not critical. Feel free to poke at it when you’ve got time


This isn’t really a “bug”, just a question / suggestion – is it possible to merge topics?

Here are a few candidates; I know there are more.


