Of course, I should have replied how the BBS used to have a Princess Pricklepants. But I always come up with good replies too late…
That President reference is a not so subtle reference to Jason.
He’s good.
Are we going to have some kind of thread about it being a YEAR next week that this wonderful Elsewhere was created.
I certainly hope so!
Hmm… if only there was some way that April the 20th was a memorable date.
It is six days before Alien day, so there’s that.
How could it not be? It’s exactly one week before Infinity War comes out!
I think we all know how to celebrate our 4/20 anniversary!
Just remember that our anniversary falls on Lima Bean Respect Day.
Cheddar fries? Come on. There’s only one proper way to enjoy fries with cheese, and it also involves gravy.
But “Nine days after National Poutine Day” is too hard to remember.
The correct dating is “356 days until National Poutine Day” (just like it’s currently 271 days until Christmas), and I can’t imagine a scenario when you wouldn’t be aware of such a thing.
Can we just agree that National Pineapple Upside-down Cake Day is a good fit for 4/20 and our cafe both?
Also your attempt to derail the conversation from Lima Bean Respect Day just underscores the need for a national holiday.
I am according them exactly as much respect as they deserve by ignoring them completely.
I thought Ask an Atheist Day was fairly appropriate.
Really? Really?
Apparently, it’s always the third Thursday of April, so it’s not always 4/20.
It has to be deliberate, but, if so, why the Thursday?
There’s a Narc on Your Parents Day? That’s disturbing.