Rumour has it that the INS is not granting NAFTA TN professional visas for silly reasons.
So it’s not just the tariffs that are an abrogation of USCAM, it sounds like de facto the bureaucracy thinks USCAM is going to be cancelled and just doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of the fallout.
They will not convince him to make the exemption permanent. They can’t convince him to make anything permanent. Because nothing is permanent, except Trump’s need for obeisance. They might get him to say that it’s a permanent stay, but he’s lying, and everyone knows it.
What does Trump get out of it?
He gets to make them come back in a month to beg him to delay for another month. Every month, until he gets bored of it. And they will beg, and they will flatter his ego, and they will bribe him outright and subtly, and it doesn’t matter what the law says, because the law is whatever Emperor Trump says it is.
What does Trump get out of it? He gets his imperial court, full of courtiers, and a steady line of supplicants begging him to take his boot a little bit off their neck.
No, I haven’t heard any rumblings up here in Canuckistan about him reversing his resignation, but he could definitely make political hay out of this. I don’t think he’s popular enough, even with this, to have a hope of winning again.
Hi there, Canada, please annex my state ASAP, therein by doing, the North American auto industry can be saved. Yes, that state, Michigan.
You may be shocked by the percentage of our population who play hockey! If Ann Arbor is any sort of yardstick, with 5 sheets of ice from September to March, 3 sheets year-round…all of it booked from break of dawn to the dead of night…we’ll fit right in! Heck, millions of us have been able to watch Hockey Night in Canada since day 1. Original theme is stuck in my head right now!
Something something, the invisible hand of the market, something something, magic wand…
Yeah, I suppose that’s it - he’s giving exemptions to everyone who calls and asks for it, and the “delay” renders whole sectors of the economy permanently supine, groveling at his feet, subject to all manner of future extortion as well. I suppose they know it, but every month without tariffs destroying their business is a good month.
Smart. Canada can’t appease Trump, because he’s not upset about actual, real issues that he wants resolved. Even engaging with Trump in his game is to lose, because it just opens up players to future acts of extortion.
Trump won’t sign executive order to dissolve Department of Education today
The link goes to the correct story.
The White House on Thursday pulled the expected signing of the executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, multiple sources tell ABC News.
White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt quoted a news report saying it was “fake news” that Trump was expected to sign the order on Thursday. She said he is not signing it.
Behind the scenes, there was concern among top administration officials about the blowback the order would receive and the lack of messaging in place ahead of the rollout.
Specifically, how the administration would answer questions about how the executive order would impact the school lunch program along with other programs that could no longer exist.