Yes. But if they take Pennsyltuckey they get real cheesesteaks and decent cream cheese.
And they own Independence Hall & the Liberty Bell to spite Donnie!
Yes. But if they take Pennsyltuckey they get real cheesesteaks and decent cream cheese.
And they own Independence Hall & the Liberty Bell to spite Donnie!
Маленький Краснов (pron. Ma-LEN-kiy)
little krasnov
If you take Minnesota, you will get Caribou Coffee in the land of actual caribou.
I like Caribou coffee.
Really? I’m in Warren! I used to live at 12 & Dequindre, where Madison Hts. is just across the road. Now I’m at 10 & Groesbeck.
I never thought of putting THAT in my window…now I’m inspired…(and sad and tired).
addendum: it will definitely have the word “FELON” included.
2d addendum: and isn’t “fucking rapist” a redundancy? LOL, that’s what I would’ve complained about!
's taking days are over; we’ve (mostly) repented and are still working through the damage with the First Nations.
However, if Minnisota wants to join, we’d probably need it to come with Tim Walz as part of the bargain.
Paul Krugman uses an interesting term for DOdGE in this interview — Musken Jugend
Seems appropriate.
I get it. I should have said “accept” instead.
I think Michigan has the second most diverse agriculture in the U.S. after California, and if Michigan and Minnesota get annexed, Canada will have almost complete control over Lake Superior and all its fresh water. Also, Stormy Kromers.
Also - if it’s Elbows Up time - you can’t beat Philly sports fans.
It’s dickless, which is funnier.
From Minnesota Canada will also get:
• A metric shit tonne of lakes.
• More breweries.
• Breuger’s Bagels.
• A giant mall, almost as big as the one in Edmonton.
• A second hand-egg team, and professional baseball, basketball and hockey.
• The USA Hockey women’s development team (forgot to add that Michigan would provide the men’s development team).
• Soooooooo much corn.
• 3M
• More world class universities
• A really big Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.
• World’s biggest ice fishing tournament.
• And so much more!
So many diminutive forms (and affectionate, avoid those) in the Russian language, could possibly just go with something like “krasnovka”. The origin of trump specifically ‘krasnov’ is vaguely intriguing. Some say something like ‘beautiful’ (really?); but i prefer it being chosen on an allusion to an infamous traitor to the early soviet government: Pyotr Krasnov
Pennsylvania is lovely. I kayaked the Youghiogheny with a thoroughly awesome group of young Americans a while back. But there’s upstate NY to consider, and we need to have a talk about Buffalo: they are still wee a bit cross with about the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Then…isn’t that a contradiction in terms?