The Nazification of America

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Itā€™s difficult to concentrate on work tasks in the middle of a collapsing empire.

I wonder if this will finally get us all off our collective asses and have a general strike. The only power most people have is to either work or withhold our labor, to either buy or withhold our money, under capitalism. Some people have more power, but most of us, the ones who are maxxed out at keeping our own trips going, thatā€™s all we have.

Unless we band together. This is the ultimate collective action problem. Do we get together and stop this? Or do we each individually wring our hands and freak out, and do the one small thing we can, which wonā€™t actually stop all this because itā€™s one at a time?


I know what you mean. I can take only so much propranolol before my blood pressure will get dangerously low.

This is what Erma Bombeck was talking about being ā€œsick for the Great Depressionā€, i.e., things are so bad Iā€™d gladly inhabit a seemingly less bad time instead.

I cannot believe that everyone in favor of this actually believes the shit theyā€™re dumping on the rest of us. I mean, there are some who obviously donā€™t, but there are some, like McConnell, the ones who denounced Trump andā€™ve come to bend their knees. And how do they think this wonā€™t possibly affect them, as well?

They think so little of those they wish to rule. I want to rub their tongues in the fallout. I want to know what is able for me to do besides just voting and sharing things.

Then again, Iā€™ve read and seen and paid attention to as much of the history of human beings to know that the possibility for everything being rough for everyone for a while before things are set in better places than beforehand.

Iā€™m scared but keeping it together.


ā€¦ whereā€™s that Antifa bus when we need it :unamused:

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I just want everyone to be aware that if Trump is elected, January 6th will become a federal holiday.

Can we get something in August too?

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Why is this shit poking his head up at all?


Trump is making his 2024 campaign about Harrisā€™ race, whether Republicans want him to or not


Because heā€™s mentally ill, no doubt. Also, he wants to be in the news. Didnā€™t you know being famous for killing someone during a riot and getting away with it in court is hard?

(big sarcasm here)


You might as well watch this.

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ā€¦ And creating a list of people to persecute.


I really hope no-one believes the libel:

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