The Nazification of America


Boring update on the “not a reputable bookstore” situation: called the prison multiple times before finally reaching the mail room, only to be told it wasn’t the right department and be redirected. The person in the correct department that day then pled ignorance as to why my book shipment was rejected, but gave me an email address to send an inquiry to (I had previously been told that email wasn’t an option). I sent the email today, so hopefully that will get a response before too long. All in all, they’ve been giving me less of a runaround than I expected- it mostly seems to be a case of ignorance of anything outside their specific department rather than any deliberate attempt to get rid of me.


So much weirder.

That story has everything from lobotomy to Kansas City Chiefs.

He traded in smoking, drinking and gambling with health foods, yoga and an exercise that he called “creeping,” which involved him crawling on his hands and knees for several minutes throughout the day. He claimed creeping was just as good of an exercise as swimming. It was probably also good for actually creeping up on people if he needed to.

Mr. Hunt’s ideal of government is presented in “Alpaca,” a 50‐cent paperback privately printed in 1960. There he sets forth, a Utopian constitution for a mythical land. The constitution would give greater voting power to the wealthy. Bonus votes would go to those who waive government benefits.


“With rare exception, all countries are trending towards population collapse.”

There are over 8 billion of us, you dipshits.


Of course, they mean “all white countries.” They know, but will not talk about openly, that educating women reduces the number of children per, hence their drive to make education harder to get, harder to afford and eliminate nasty things like “DEI” that make it advantageous to consider women as actual, fully realized, human beings rather than animate incubators.


Weird for these mixed race people to talk positively about eugenics.