The Nazification of America

I keep a hopeful thought that after we kick the TGOP and Drumpf out of DC, we can then charge them with human right’s violations and put them on trial. I really want to see the racist Keebler elf in prison.


Holy Fucking Shit.


Answer to that from me is:


I’ve always been wary of a general strike, thinking about my clients, thinking about my bank account, thinking about all the people who live on the brink of financial ruin. But I think we’re getting to that point, where shutting down the economy is the only thing that will cause things to change.


Jawohl, mein Führer!

Oh wait, I meant “fuck you, you fucking pig.”


From someone who got her doctorate studying totalitarian regimes:


I’ve been following her since Ferguson. She is super smart, empathetic, and scares the shit out of me on a regular basis.


The problem is getting everyone who hates Drumpf and the TGOP to do it. Plus not get any blowback from the businesses and such.


Not gonna happen.

The idea of a General Strike is to piss off the businesses. You’re pitting the working class against the equity class. Asking to have a General Strike without getting blowback from the businesses is like asking to promote renewable energy without getting blowback from oil companies.


I think of it like a peaceful protest, where folks submit to being arrested for the cause. Taking the blowback will be the cost that must be paid. We’re past the point of pain-free change. At this point, I’m just hoping that we don’t end up with US cities under siege like Sarajevo, or literal actual no-hyperbole death camps.


That’s the small part that they were willing to show to the press.

Everything about this is fucking WRONG.


Add in the part where they (at least some of them, I don’t know about all) are FOR-PROFIT enterprises. People are making money from the destruction of families, and the mistreatment of children.

It’s been a rough couple of years, but in the last few weeks, I find myself unproductive every single day, because I’m so fucking pissed off, with a layer of demoralized sadness. Combine that with the fact that anxiety and depression keep me from leaving the house most of the time anyway, I feel totally impotent. It’s a pathetic rage.


I know exactly what you mean. I’m enraged as all fuck, but I can’t risk protesting because I can’t afford to get arrested or to lose my job, because I’m the sole provider for my kid.

If i knew how to hack, I’d be doxxing participating ICE officers and the contractors profiting from this shit. I know that’s not ‘okay,’ either; but that’s just how damn mad I am…


you and me both sister.

I can’t do much outside of donating money to causes.


The thought “am I willing to blow up my life for the good of the country” is a mind-blistering thing to contemplate.

The thought “am I willing to blow up my kid’s life for the good of the country” is really… I mean… I’m saying this as a person with no kids (relying on empathy, no experience), but it just seems unthinkable.



Your point about doing that to an innocent kid has a lot to do with my shitty mood the other day.

I actively want to help in some way, I want to try to fix things… but I don’t want my kid to suffer because of my moral compass.


Everybody is working within their own limitations, and everybody has to decide their own way to get involved. But I would like to point out…

A lot of political organising is just that: organising.

Not fighting with cops or tearing down fences. Taking minutes for the committee, stacking the chairs after the meeting, getting the flyers printed, making phone calls, baking scones. It all takes time and effort, and there are never enough people to do it all.

Not everybody can do everything, but everybody can do something. Every bit helps.


Amen. This is one of the core points in Zeynep Tufecki’s Twitter and Teargas. Modern movements have the ability to explode due to social media attention. But the stuff that used to happen in coffeehouses and bars, like coordinating people, thinking about clarity of purpose, doesn’t necessarily happen a priori.

There’s a lot of remote stuff that can be helpful, too, like organizing spreadsheets and computational infrastructure. I’ve done that for a number of organizations.


Yep. Unfortunately, there are people who think if you aren’t out there on the front lines, then you’re not helping and are just a poser.


Fuck 'em. They’re fools.

But also: is this about impressing people, or is it about stopping fascism? Does it matter what they think if you get the job done?