The Nazification of America

a friend of mine who works at a vegan food co-op out in portland says they’re now getting harassed on facebook and with phone calls for supplying ingredients.

because, yeah: food co-ops often have quick drying cement on sale for just such occasions. /s

where is mythbusters when you need them most?



I’m afraid to ask, but what is that from?


Jean-Paul Sartre, “Réflexions sur la question juive”


Thanks. That’s…sobering. Sartre was my Ayn Rand, if you see what I’m saying: I read him religiously and looked up to his great intellect while in high school, and then over time, first from reading more de Beauvoir and then reading ABOUT de Beauvoir (and thus, also Sartre), I started to get the full picture and lost my idolatry.


Wait, maiming Nazis is a bad thing now?

I get kind of a kick (in an ironic, confirming-my-misanthropy kind of way) that it’s exactly the same kind of people who want to return to 1950s values that get upset about honest-to-god Nazis having milk drinks thrown at them.

At the risk of sounding like a Boomer: in the good old days, we didn’t throw milkshakes at Nazis (emphasis mine).

I love the milkshake movement, if only because it shows exactly how frail these supposed Ubermensch really are.



You and Roger Waters, apparently


Surely Roger Waters only ever admired his own intellect.


something something steven patrick morrissey


my friend forwarded me this from popmob, the organizers. apparently the store my friend works at ( unaffiliated with popmob ) was receiving calls from all over about this.

it’s just so dumb because it doesn’t even pass the smell test. but as @smulder pointed out, that’s kind of the point.

Portlanders Come Together to Dance, Drink Milkshakes, Unite Against Proud Boys;
Police Respond with Misinformation Campaign

PORTLAND, OR: On Saturday, June 29th, PopMob, Rose City Antifa,
Democratic Socialists of America, and hundreds of Portlanders came
together to oppose the Proud Boys and alt-right provocateurs gathering
in Portland. We created a fun, unique opportunity for this vibrant
city to show the world — we don’t stand by when hate marches through
our streets. It was wildly successful. People danced, laughed, drank
delicious vegan milkshakes, and stood in solidarity as a community
united against hate. Unfortunately, this was once again overshadowed
by the actions of the Portland Police Bureau.

PopMob served over 750 milkshakes to demonstrators, using music and
whimsy to create an atmosphere of joyful resistance to threats posed
by Proud Boys and the alt-right contingent. Everyday antifascists
outnumbered them 10:1. Collaboration between groups with overlapping,
but distinct, political ideologies who came together to confront a
common threat, showed what we can accomplish as a community. However,
we have seen the Portland Police Bureau protect and collaborate with
these violent right-wing agitators many times, so it comes as no
surprise that this unity would be a threat to their power, and
backlash from the PPB was inevitable.

This is further evidenced by the spurious allegations of cement
milkshakes we are now seeing, a misinformation campaign blatantly
manufactured by the Portland police to disrupt a thriving antifascist
movement. This is a classic tactic of state repression. It immediately
put community organizers in danger as concocted stories quickly
escalated into an onslaught of alt-right propaganda and fear
mongering, culminating in national news agencies reporting as fact
what originated as a completely baseless claim. Since facing public
scrutiny, the Police defended their unsubstantiated tweet saying they
had an anonymous email threat. This was later revealed to be yet
another manufactured narrative when it became clear the email came
after the tweet had been sent. Since we cannot rely on the police to
protect the people of Portland, it is up to antifascists to defend
ourselves and people at risk of police and right-wing extremist
violence. This is even more important now when several members of our
community are being attacked online as a direct result of the PPB’s
unfounded fabrications. As we have seen with the recent uptick in
violent attacks by extremists on marginalized communities, these
online threats cannot be disregarded and could result in tragic

Media outlets across the country reported the tale spun by the PPB as
fact with no evidence, showing reckless disregard for the truth and
causing the misinformation campaign to spread wider. The lack of
journalistic integrity and “if it bleeds it leads” sensationalism only
put our community members in further danger. PopMob stands in
solidarity with the antifascist community in Portland and will not let
this absurd spectacle stop us from continuing to build a mass movement
of antifascist resistance.


No worries about sounding like a Boomer. That was my parents’ generation, not mine. In my day, fucking Nazis normally kept their heads down because my parents’ generation had been so good at throwing “pineapples” at them.


Resistance is about to get more tasty: protesters now know to look at the cameras, drink a bit from the cup, smile, and then lob the milkshake at the intended target.


Cops will always support the Nazis.


I’m sure the nazi death camp guards had some hilarious jokes, too!

I’m being 150% sarcastic, obviously, but I imagine they thought their jokes were a laugh riot, and totally normal. I’ll bet they even told the snowflakes of the time to “calm down it’s only a joke”.


I wish this was an automatic firing offense.


If only…

I have a deep fear that in a couple of years, mass graves will be uncovered. We’ll see a lot of ass-covering, and nothing will actually happen to the perpetrators. We will have no equivalent to Nuremberg, just “blue lives matter” and “following orders” and “MAGA”.


It’s so much deeper than that, though. That group had 9000 members. It’s basically anyone who has an active Facebook account that is in the border patrol. So, okay, go ahead and fire every single person who posted or joined - but then, really, there is a much bigger issue at work here where everyone in the whole organization thinks this is okay.


Agree, especially now that they’ve been enabled by the HindenTurd. But when you consider all the various rules and regulations we gummint employees had to follow, it makes no sense at all that these guys are still employed. But I guess quasi-military jack-booted thugs* are exempt.

*weren’t those supposed to be UN guys in black helicopters? Have I missed something?