The Nazification of the World

After the 2016 election I was shocked to find out how many of my wife’s Indian co-workers had voted for Trump. For the most part they found his anti-Muslim rhetoric very reassuring.


Around my office, I noticed a lot of people whom I’d otherwise thought would be against Trump due to the immigration and racism policies said they liked him because he was a “strong leader” and “great businessman”.

They started walking that back pretty quickly. After six months they still said he was great but should stay off Twitter. After 18 months he was a one-word “Could be worse” joke. Now everyone is completely silent about him, and the conversation topic gets changed if someone mentions him.

I think they’re finally worried.

Me, I’m worried because I suspect a lot of them would still vote for the Canadian Cons in a heartbeat.


On this day, 46 years ago, on this very hour, the tanks of fascists rolled into Santiago. The presidential bodyguard was a skeleton crew, but they managed to hold Pinochet’s forces back long enough for Salvador Allende to give one final speech.

Salvador Allende died twenty minutes later. Rather than be taken prisoner by the fascists, he fought until he had no comrades, and few bullets. He never surrendered.

In the terrible 24 hours that followed, fascist forces went door to door armed with CIA-supplied lists of Union organizers, poverty rights thinkers, songwriters, and socialists.

My grandparents survived because they were tipped off by my grandmother’s uncle. But 20,000 comrades were not as lucky. Victor Jara, the Chilean poet laurette, was tortured and killed there in the Estadio Nacional.

My grandparents spent four years on the run before applying for amnesty. They got it - in 1975. As they hid in far-flung towns, in attics, closets of friends, in the desert hills, some comrades decided to fight back. Resistance cells managed to finally steal or smuggle in arms and began guerilla strikes against the secret police.

But fascism had won.

It wasn’t until the 90s that the fascists finally gave up power, having enriched themselves on the wealth of Chile’s resources.

This is the true 9/11 attack.


Is the problem really “human brains,” or is it the fire hose of lies that is Facebook

It’s surmised that 10 million people saw on Facebook the false claim that Pope Francis came out in favor of Trump’s election in 2016. Living in a news bubble of their own making many undoubtedly believed it. (This was the most-shared news story on Facebook in the three months leading up to the 2016 election, researchers report.)


Or the absence of self-rule, and the structures which preserve oligarchy?

Human minds definitely aren’t equipped for ruling others (see the decisions of ruling classes) and don’t seem well-equipped for being ruled by others either.


It may be a sign of our times that, on reading:

“I feel like I’ve finally come to terms with the responsibility I have as a creator—about 100,000,000 subs too late, but you know.”

My immediate reaction is “yeah, right. Prove it with more than a quick monetary donation”

[edit] Aaaaaand the other shoe drops…


12 posts were split to a new topic: Thread Split: The Early Christain Church(es)

Harper’s cabinet let the US rendition, torture, blind, and nearly kill a Canadian boy for a decade in contravention of Geneva Accords and in contravention of the Canadian government’s obligatiob to defend human rights. Now, Harper’s old pal Scheer is using this to attack JT.

Hamish Marshall, the man behind the Conservative Party of Canada campaign and social media, literally built Rebel Media - a world leader in creating and exporting “white nationalism”, aka actual nazid.


Agreed. I’m not surprised we got there, given the monkey wrench Nazism threw into both Christianity and Pagan mythology, but a new thread might be in order.


Don’t give drumpf ideas!!


A CPC candidate has invited a white supremacist to join their campaign, because why have just TWO white supremacist parties (wPPC, CNP) when you can have three?


The epitome of dog-bites-man news:


These men keep pronouncing “asshole” wrong. It’s not “incel,” it’s “asshole.”


I heard an excerpt of his confession on the radio this morning.

The incel word salad bingo was quite something. The only thing I can compare it to is transcripts from the Manson family trials, or interviews with someone recently rescued from a cult who hasn’t been reprogrammed yet. Everything just circles back to the pat phrases.


Get ready to fire up that shocked-not-shocked.gif because boy howdy, I am not shocked by this:


So, in return for support for Trump Tower Instanbul, Trump’s withdrawing more US troops from Rojava, and goving the green light for Erdogan’s forces to invade more of Rojava.