Unless and until the current “leaders” are gone, and replaced by fighters who give a fuck about working people, I’m done with fundraising and knocking on doors and all the other work I did for years, just so Cuck Schumer (ha! that was not an intentional typo! the h on my keyboard didn’t connect, and now I can’t change it) could stab me and people like me in the back on his way back to his mansion.
The Democratic Party needs our own Tea Party movement to take the party back from people like Schumer and Jefferies. We need to send Fetterman into the wilderness for the rest of his life.
There are good people who want to fight for the middle class and the working poor and all the marginalized, vulnerable people who Schumer and the Vichy fucks who also voted yes abandoned.
There are good people who want to be elected Democrats who will not throw the Trans community and all of our Trans siblings under the bus in an effort to appeal to shitty dirtbags who will never vote for a Democrat.
There are good people who will fight for you, who will fight to preserve human rights in America and around the world, even – especially – if it pisses off the billionaires who own Schumer and the Vichy Democrats.
We just need to get the Schumers and the Fettermans and the rest of them out of the way. We may risk some losses on the way, but ask yourselves: what’s the practical difference between a Republican who votes for MAGA terror and a Democrat who votes for MAGA terror?
There’s no point to us working for and electing Democrats who are going to behave like Republicans when it counts. In fact, it’s shooting ourselves in the foot and the face all at once.
Make them earn our donations, our time, our energy, our willingness to reach out to everyone we can, and don’t ever let them forget what happened to the Vichy fucks who didn’t.
Make them afraid of us, so they work for us or get out of the way for someone who will.
Not just Sanders, but also AOC and Elizabeth Warren and most of the Squad. In a fair fight, progressives usually win elections. Hell, sometimes people who aren’t progressive win elections by pretending to be. See Kyrsten Sinema and John Fetterman.
I just got fundraising spam from Gavin Newsom in a video where he talks to Tim Walz. I didn’t watch it, I am not interested in anything Newsom has to say anymore unless it’s a sincere apology and a retraction, but now I’m also pissed at Walz who I previously thought might be okay.
Gavin Newsom recently started a podcast. His first three guests were Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, and Michael Savage. Walz was his fourth guest. Walz basically said MAGA was a bunch of racists and misogynists and he could kick most of their asses. Newsom didn’t like Walz being mean to the poor MAGA men and said we need to work harder to understand where they’re coming from. Fuck Newsom, but Walz is still ok.
I think Walz is right on this, and another reason he should be the nominee in 2028, but won’t if shitheads like Newsom get their way.
NEW - Tim Walz to me, backstage to in Eau Claire on Tuesday:
“It’s going to get very dark,” he said, running through speculation that ranged from Trump soon ordering the arrest of a political opponent to trying to anoint a son as his successor.
How does the saying go, “It’s better when they’re inside our tent, it makes it easier for them to piss on us”, or am I confusing this with something else?
More Tim Walz…
Gods dammit, Sarah! What the actual fuck? Do the MAGAs have to start stuffing us into the gas chambers while the fucking democrats stand around shrugging before you think about not going along with this shit? You already know how they’re treating you, right? See those other democrats who’re doing the right thing and objecting to that? Yeah, go with them and reject those with “differing stances.”
In his memoirs, Yehuda Leib Gerst described Rumkowski as a complex person: “This man had sickly leanings that clashed. Toward his fellow Jews, he was an incomparable tyrant who behaved just like a Führer and cast deathly terror to anyone who dared to oppose his lowly ways. Toward the perpetrators, however, he was as tender as a lamb and there was no limit to his base submission to all their demands, even if their purpose was to wipe us out totally. Either way, he did not properly understand his situation and position and their limits.”
Dammit. I even went and read the linked article, hoping there was some nuance to her comments. Nope! She’s saying we should tolerate the intolerant. All of the Democrats mentioned in that article were all basically saying, “Well a majority of Americans now believe we need to limit trans people’s rights, so that’s what we’re going to do.” Cowards. They’re all fucking cowards.
I’ve said before, basic human rights are not things that should be up for a vote! If you are human, you get human rights. Of course, there is a catch. If they redefine what is “human” there might be an issue.
There’s an alternate interpretation of “tolerance” I’ve seen explained. It’s not a good one.
It’s more prevalent on one side than the other, but I’ve seen enough “tolerant” things said online to prove it’s more common than it ought to be in some who claim to be on the right side of history.
Here, have the original essay: