Yes. This little fella was harassing the Ruddy ground dove. This bird in particular is such a bully, as the dove doesn’t eat nectar.
We get ruby throated hummers at my cottage in northern Ontario. I have a coffee mug with a red barn painted on it, and have my coffee on the front porch, and frequently look up to see a hummingbird hovering a foot or two away, attracted by the red on the mug.
Brazilian scientists claim that a local species of monkey has managed to achieve the same evolutionary status that the ancestors of our species, Homo sapiens, enjoyed 3,000,000 years ago.
Here is a small monkey related playlist for you
So beautiful. Thank you.
Oh. It is amazing. I didn’t know you have humming birds in Canada. Fierce creatures they are.
the flamingo is not native to florida, much to everyone’s surprise. they are Cuban, and they sometimes make their way through the keys.
these were spotted jus miles from me. wish I’d seen them!
Just the ruby throats in Ontario; I don’t know about the rest of Canada. I have seen one raiding a beehive of honey, and dodging the angry bees; they are indeed fierce!
Yeah, hummingbirds aren’t timid… one of them kept buzzing me when I did yard work too close to the feeder.
ETA: yeah. what @OWYAC said:
Not just Ontario. A few will even make their way up into Yukon and Alaska.
well, if they’re anything like Tokitae, the orca in miami’s seaquarium, they die of neglect, insanity, pneumonia and ultimately, kidney failure.
RIP Tokitae. still breaks my heart. she deserved better, but some humans simply cannot be better and that angers me.
I’ve never seen any at home, I think the area is too wooded. But occasionally I’ll see them at work (a few miles away), which is a more open area.
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