Yeah, I’m not buying his scenario there. I think this is a “[citation needed]” situation!
Snoop’s comments on black artists performing at TFG’s first inauguration:
As a commenter says, That didn’t age well.
And yet another person inexplicably goes fash. Is everyone on the fucking planet outside of Elsewhere just pretending to have deeply-held morals and standards because they saw it in a movie once, or something? Does anyone actually have a moral code they won’t abandon at the drop of a hat? It feels like they’re all LARPing at being relatable human beings with rich internal lives and philosophies, but you never know when they’ll get bored and drop the act, because apparently they don’t actually believe in anything and it’s all just a meaningless game to them.
I don’t think so, no. Lots of people are not giving in and are doing their best to speak the truth to power. Do you read Ed Zitron? of course, Cory Doctorow, Erin Reed, Heather Cox Richardson, etc, etc… There are plenty of good people and groups out there who are going to resist, even if they’re not getting the coverage that they should…
Lots of people are like, that yeah… it’s what capitalism cultivates. But it’s not everyone or even a majority. It’s just that lots of them have levers of power, especially in the media, and so seemingly have a bigger voice, and they are able to seem like the “common sense” voice that speaks for all of us. But it isn’t so… It’s the hegemonic power playing its tricks on us. Gramsci seems very necessary right now, as he had some keen insight into how mass media shapes our experiences in a capitalist society…
Yeah, after a little while I thought of exceptions, like the few journalists and that political cartoonist recently who left their jobs because they were taking a stand. It’s just so frustrating to see people say one thing about Trump and his supporters, a few years pass, Trump certainly doesn’t change in the slightest, but suddenly the same people are embracing him now, as though they’ve been taken over by some insidious parasite. It’s especially disheartening when it’s people in vulnerable populations who should know they’re going to be targeted by Trump’s administration- we all expect old white politicians to be cowardly turncoats and opportunists, but you’d think it would take more than a few bucks to flip someone whose self, family and community all stand to suffer under Trump. I don’t know a ton about Snoop Dogg, but I kind of doubt that performing for Trump’s cronies is the only work he can find or that he’s so hard up for money that he has no choice.
Oh, I totally understand your frustration, I really do and I feel the same way when someone does that kind of heel turn. But, keeping Gramsci’s theories in mind, we should remember it’s a strategy to make it seem like it’s all in for Trump from all sectors of society. The corporate mass media (not all journalists or even media outlets, but the mainstream, corporate mass media, I want to stress this) is committed to the status quo and hence, will bend the knee, because it’s in their interest to do so. They’ll pay lip service to the Democrats whenever they’re in power, but they will bend with the wind. They have an outsized influence on how we understand what’s happening, so they position themselves as being both pragmatic AND objective and neutral. But we got to remember, they are not. Neutrality doesn’t really exist with regards to capitalism. It’s either for the system, or it’s some level of critique about the system. They’re less likely to lean towards the critique side. But we can’t let them think that they are the only ones who can and should parse reality for us. It does seem like an overwhelming amount of knee-bending going on, but I don’t believe it’s the avalanche of consensus that they want us to think it is…
I don’t know… I’m rambling now, so sorry for that… Just… let’s not give up hope here. I still believe that there are more of us than there are of them, it’s just that the media landscape is skewing our understanding of things.
“You better come ready, senators,” he warned. “Come ready and try and see if you can pull one over on my boy, Bobby. Because Bobby’s a fucking smart dude.
If Aaron Rogers said this about me I would be devastated. I can’t imagine a bigger insult regarding my intelligence.
The 71 year old boy.
At least this pathetic stupidity is not unexpected.
As mindy said, it’s money. Here’s a telling quote from Snoop from an interview a year ago:
“He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me,” the rapper said in a January 2024 interview with The Times of London. “So I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump,” he added.
Most rich people have benefitted from Trump’s presidency. Snoop is no different.
Sounds like the quarterback has taken too many shots to the head and therefore on that nasty road to dementia. Or he’s always been an asshole.
He’s been an asshole going back at least to the start of COVID when he refused vaccination and lied about his status to teammates.
Flyers in every store window with his face and “Do not serve this man”?