Transphobic events

Jesus fucking Christ. I hate this cruel and fucking stupid timeline.


I really need to look at divesting myself from Facebook and Insta… fuck this BS.



The goal of targeting trans women’s participation in sports is to create a federal law that declares trans women are men. Once that precedent is established, then the laws can become more restrictive until it’s no longer legally viable to exist as a trans person under federal law.

I honestly had not connected those dots previously. These bastards have a plan to commit genocide, which is what this is. Goddam genocide.

Rage GIFs | Tenor


Trans people have been screaming about this for a few years now, only to be told we’re ‘overreacting’. We’re not.


Hmm… I might end up doing that when the contents of the “shelf of dishonor”, which contains what dilbert books and HP media I have, with a few selected others.


It’s also squarely aimed at repealing Title IX and prohibiting women’s sports, especially on the pro level. Remember when the US women’s soccer team successful won equal pay? Most people don’t realize just how fervently this upset conservatives. They lost their shit. It’s a leverage issue that is an electoral catastrophe for the GOP unless they can creep up on it with other steps. It is also at the intersection of their core constituencies - Christofascists who want women to be property again and corporate interests who are afraid of Icelandic-style equal pay mandates.


I am certain there will be stories about how women’s sports “de-feminize” women and make them trans. Or gay, or whatever the horror of the day is. Yeah, I agree, this is just another step along the road to Gilead. And way too many women, gay, straight or whatever, seem to be OK with that. I don’t know, man. The next few years (at least 2) will be grim.


God damn these shitty, bigoted, fucks. God hates these shitheels.


Every once in a while I’m reminded that a lot of cis people straight up think of trans people as NPCs who can’t react to our circumstances and can only ever be doing Signs Of Trans

“You never acted like this and this and this” yeah cause I’m a person and can make cost-benefit judgments


Yeah, my mother trotted that one out to me too. This mostly told me that either I was successful in putting things back the way I found them or that she really wasn’t paying much attention to her wardrobe.

Oh this, so much this.

While trying to have a rational discussion with her, I asked her what reaction I could have expected at that time and place? (Rural North Carolina, in the '70s - '80s.) She claimed she would have protected me, which I found particularly rich as she couldn’t manage to “protect” either of us from the physical, mental, and emotional abuse we where both already experiencing. (Additionally: she would have had to protect me from herself, which she was never able to do!)


My immediate thought was “of course your trans kid never snuck into your wardrobe. They have taste and style. What could they want from your wardrobe?”

Second though is that gender isn’t just about clothes or painted nails or makeup. Those are just fun things unreasonably restricted by society to a single gender


Congress is not in session; so she’s not protected by the speech and debate clause. Sue her ass for slander.


Also, let’s not forget the truism about every accusation that comes from the mouths of these dipshits. Someone should start an investigation into Marge…


The Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people (the Cass Review) was a comprehensive and independent review commissioned by NHS England to make recommendations on how to improve NHS gender identity services for children and young people. The government and NHS England have made a clear commitment to implement its 32 recommendations in full.

The Cass Review is robust, evidence-based, and the most comprehensive assessment of gender incongruence in children and young people that has been produced to date. It was underpinned by a systematic review conducted by the University of York and a programme of proactive engagement. Dr Cass’ team engaged with over 1000 individuals and organisations across the breadth of opinion on this subject including trans, gender questioning young people, as well as support and advocacy groups.

Dr Cass’ team have been transparent around the methodology used throughout the Review and have made this information publicly available on the Cass Review website. The link to access the peer-reviewed systematic evidence reviews that informed the report and recommendations is available here: Gender Identity Service Series | Archives of Disease in Childhood.

The government is clear that healthcare provision for children and young people experiencing gender dysphoria and incongruence must be safe, evidence-based and clinically appropriate. Implementing the Cass Review ensures that this will happen. The government does not, therefore, believe an independent evaluation of the Cass Review would be beneficial and there are no plans for an independent evaluation.


Labour are the Tories are Reform UK. When the best our government can offer us are atrocities who cares about the differences between them and the other parties.